Ride Along

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Sorry, updates are getting kinda slow, I just am trying to figure out where I should take this story. Anywayss, enjoy! :)
I stand there, in the pouring rain for a what felt like hours before he spoke.

"What are you doing?" Calum asks.

I just shake my head, not really wanting to talk to the boy in the car next to me, "Just..... Taking a walk?" I mentally groan at that lame response.

"Yeah, in the middle of the night in the pouring rain? Sounds fun," he lets out a dry, totally humorless laugh.

"Yeah, it's the best day of my life. Now if you would excuse me, I should be getting home," I start to walk again, hoping Calum would get the picture and let me walk in piece. Apparently he had different plans as he drove up next to me.

"Get in the car, I'll drive you to wherever you need to be," I suddenly stop, mildly shocked by what he just offered...

Should I just get in the car? I've still got about a mile left to walk and it's getting kind of late... But I am still mad at him about last night......

I decide that I should just keep walking, but after I heard a car door slam and footsteps coming towards me, I knew he wouldn't let me get any farther on foot. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I spin around.

"Come on Samantha," Calum starts, "I can't let you walk home in this weather."

"I can and I will," I snarl. "Why do you even care anyways? Don't you have something else to do? Some party to go to or some girl to fuc-" I get cut off when I feel myself being thrown over his shoulder.

"CALUM HOOD LET ME DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT," I start screaming, hoping that he would let me down and I could just walk, instead of getting in the car with this anoyingly attractive asshole. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" despite all my yelling, he didn't let go of me, but instead went to the passengers side and opened the door, sitting me in the seat, then going around to the drivers side and getting in himself.

I sit in stubborn, angry silence as he starts to drive. After a few minutes, I start to shiver, the cold rain finally soaking through, chilling my entire body.

"Cold?" Calum asks and I barely nod my head, giving up on my stubborn attitude. Before I know it, Calum's leather jacket is being put around my shoulders and my cheeks heat up.

"Thanks," I mutter, barely audible.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?" he asks me, and I rattle off my address before he continues. "So tell me, why were you even out there this late? Don't give me that bullshit about 'just taking a walk' either," I can feel him glancing at me, taking his eyes off the road for a second, while I stare out the window.

I turn to look at him for a second before answering, "Oh just some drama with a friend. She kicked me out of her car on the way to the mall. You should know her, considering you were all over her the other day," the last part comes out in a harsher tone then I meant it to.

We pull up to my house and he turns to look back at me, "Listen Sam, I'm sorry about being an asshole to you. I promise that if you gave me the time of day, that's not who I really am." Calum pauses for a second, waiting for a response, but when he doesn't get one, he continues, "I know it'll be really really hard to get you to forgive me, and I don't really expect you to, but it's worth the try. So I was wondering if you would let me take you on a date tomorrow to make it up to you and say sorry for everything."

Is this the same Calum I know? The same Calum who called me a whore in front of the entire school? The same Calum who would've screwed my best friend if I didn't interrupt them?

Obviously my silence scares him because he nervously starts rambling on, "I mean, it can only be a one time thing. If you don't have fun then we can just go our separate ways and I'll never bother you again. Hell, why am I even bothering to ask, you're probably not even going to-"

I shouldn't even be considering this right now, thinking about how he's treated me lately, but something inside of me isn't able to say no, so before I even know it, the one word that's going to change everything tumbles out of my mouth,


"Really?" Calum looks up, surprised that I agreed, but quickly gathers himself and smirks, "I mean, um, I knew you couldn't resist, just look at me," he obnoxiously gestures to himself.

I roll my eyes and scoff, but I can't help the grin that works its way onto my face, "Do you want me to change my mind?"

"You wouldn't," he chuckles.

"Try me," I say, letting out a small laugh.

"Whatever, Sam," Calum jokes. "I'll pick you up at 3 tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," I say, still with a hint of smile on my face. "I'll see you tomorrow then, Hood."

"See you later, Ray," Just as I close the car door, he speeds away. It takes me until I walk inside to realize that he never took his jacket back. As I walk upstairs into my room and throw the jacket on the chair next to my bed, I see a piece of paper fall out of the pocket. I pick it up and read what's on it.

Just in case;)

I let out a little laugh before jumping on my bed and pulling out my phone, entering his number as a new contact.

That was so incredibly cheesy, you know that right? xD

I barely wait a few seconds before my phone buzzes with a response.

Obviously, I wouldn't do it any other way;)

Butterflies tickle their way through my stomach, just from one, tiny, pointless text. At this point, if one text can do that, then I'm in for one hell of a ride.

It scares me to see myself falling more and more everyday for this "bad boy", knowing that I'm just gonna end up hurting myself, but I can't bring myself to care. Part of me knows that I'm not gonna be able to catch myself once I fall completely for this boy, but I can't stop falling. And I swear to god, as much as it hurts, it's time to face the truth,

Calum Hood is gonna be the death of me.

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