Chapter 5: Goodbye doesn't mean forever

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This is purely a work of fiction. The names of persons, places, and organizations used in this chapter are for creative purposes only and in no way reflect real-life interactions and connections. All names used in this chapter are fictional and any similarities to any person living or otherwise are purely coincidental. Everything written in this chapter is just a product of the author's penchant for the dramatic and the creative.

 Everything written in this chapter is just a product of the author's penchant for the dramatic and the creative

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Image from Windows' latest website

"They want you back," Martin Mendoza, one of their supervisors began during the hastily scheduled meeting of selected agents in MS Teams.

"Who wants us back?" Wright asked with furrowed brows as he glared at his black screen because none of their monitors have an active webcam except for the supervisors, ACCM, and CM who was also in the meeting with them. Having such personalities in the same meeting is a clear red flag for Wright and his colleagues called to participate in this meeting.

"Your former account," Cherrie Sta Mesa, their current account's ACCM or Assistant Call Center Manager said in a clipped tone and Wright can feel that she doesn't really like what she is about to announce to the group.

"Just us?" Frank asked as he noticed that not everyone that was transferred from their old account was present in the meeting before remembering that some of them are on their rest days since they now have different schedules.

"All of you who came from (redacted). Weren't you informed that your deployment here is only temporary?" Irish Meleguer, the brooding CM or client manager asked in a slightly irate tone that immediately grated on the agent's nerves. The CM never once hid her dislike for the agents who came from the other account and even came to the extent of labeling them outliers or non-performing agents which was not the reason they were transferred to their current account in the first place.

"They never explained why we had to be transferred in the first place," Wright stated in a tentative tone, wary of offending their superiors who have been very accommodating to them despite the CM's hostility.

"This account needed more agents in preparation for the peak season, your account needed to let go of some personnel as the demand for your brand hit an all-time low. Since both accounts are being handled by the same director, they devised this arrangement to avoid letting go of agents who are performers but whose statistics are quite low at that time," The ACCM explained in an even tone that did not hide her uneasiness about the subject matter.

"Do we have other options?" Alexa Ramirez, one of their colleagues who have been very vocal about not wanting to return to their old account when talks about their redeployment first surfaced said in a nervous tone.

"You are only allowed to choose between two: agree to be transferred back or be placed in floating status," Cherrie said in a grim tone that had the agents slumping their shoulders in dejection.

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