Chapter 12: Love, Madness, and Everything in Between

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This is purely a work of fiction. The names of persons, places, and organizations used in this chapter are for creative purposes only and in no way reflect real-life interactions and connections. All characters used in this chapter are fictional, and any similarities to anyone living or otherwise are coincidental. Everything written in this chapter is just a product of the author's penchant for the dramatic and the creative.

"Good morning, Mom!" Win beamed as he opened the door to a smiling Olivia who looked ready for a day out in her floral blouse, black slacks, and tan wedges. Despite her age, it's easy to see where Wright got his delicate features from.

"Good morning, Win! Wright told me you will be staying over so I finally agreed to a meet-up with my former colleagues. They have been pestering me for months to grab coffee together and chat like the good old days," Olivia intimated as she stepped aside to give room for Win to enter the house.

"Mom, you make it sound like I am the antagonist here!" Wright sulked as he took Olivia's right hand and pressed his forehead against her knuckles in a gesture that is common among Filipino households. Win scrambled to do the same but Olivia just smiled at him and patted his head gently in reassurance.

"But it's true! I never get to go out lately since Wright is always tired and needs his sleep. Wella is the same since she works the graveyard shift too. Who would look after the girls if both of them are asleep?" Olivia asked Win who just nodded in understanding. Wright placed his hand around Olivia's shoulders to pacify her.

"Things will be changing from now on, Mom. My new account is an Australian account so I will be working the day shift next week. However, my rest days will be changing too," Wright glanced ruefully at Win who also looked glum about the news. Although they would both be working the day shift, their rest days wouldn't be the same anymore and it would be harder to find time to bond with each other.

"Oh, is that a good or bad thing? I kind of got used to having you during the day," Olivia asked curiously as Wright led her and Win inside the house.

"I feel better being here at night, Mom. As the man of the house, I have always felt uneasy being away during the night," Wright admitted with a sad sigh.

"We are highly capable of taking care of ourselves, thank you," Wella said from behind them, her hair pulled up in a tight bun and holding a tall ceramic mug. She just finished her shift and is about to eat breakfast before sleeping. Olivia already prepared breakfast for the five of them before getting dressed.

"Good morning, Wella!" Win piped up cheerfully and Wella acknowledged him with a small wave.

"Good morning to you too, Win! Please be warned that the girls slept early last night because they wanted to have enough energy to play with you. Also, the sink is clogged again, Wright! The plumber last time did a half-assed job!" Wella planted her free hand on her waist to emphasize her annoyance while still holding her empty mug with her other hand.

"I'll just do it myself. The girls would be preoccupied with Win anyway so I could do my work in peace," Wright said as he waved goodbye to Olivia who is apologizing profusely to Win because she had to leave already.

"You can do plumbing too?" Win looked at Wright with genuine surprise and amazement while Olivia smiled proudly behind him.

"I lived abroad for a long time, Win. I learned to do everything myself," Wright shrugged his shoulders to brush off the compliment.

"Except cooking," Wella added with a wry smile as she waved her goodbye to Olivia who is now closing the door.

"I can cook, but they won't eat it," Wright raised both his hands in a gesture of surrender.

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