Chapter Three

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'Salantina... how many times do I have to tell you, don't wash your hands in the kitchen sink.' The green line appeared with her mother hovering beside her.

'Sorry, Mum, won't happen again.' She picked up a towel to dry her hands and shoved it out of her mother's sight. There were palpitations in her chest while she watched it disappear before taking a plate. Thankfully, her mum didn't notice her face go white. 

'Tadgh they won't listen to reason...' Her mother was too preoccupied with a 'non-argument' as they called it with her dad. Salantina had learned to tune them out when these situations occur. Shoving her food down as quickly as possible she excused herself upstairs to do her homework. Peppa looked sad so she pulled a face at her giving her a weak smile in return. 

Away from her mothers scrutinizing eyes she could feel her palpitations again when Ruby called. She took a deep breath before answering the phone. Despite her best efforts to ignore the mark on her hand, she was afraid.

Taking a deep breath she told Ruby what had happened down at the stream. About the glowing fish that bite her, falling asleep on the rock, and being sick all day yesterday. Carefully leaving out the details of the green line appearing on her finger - she knew that was something different.

'Only you would find a glowing fish that bites Salantina,' Ruby said laughing. Finally seeing the funny side of things, she laughed too. It was nothing! Although her face was burning from how worked up she got.

She was about to share what had happened with Fynn today, but Bella arrived at feet wagging her tail.

'Sorry Ruby, I need to go. Bella is looking for her walk.'

'Okay. Don't worry Sal, it's nothing honestly, but stay away from that stream for a while.'
After hanging up, she thought about Fynn at school again and decided she wouldn't say anything to Ruby. As much as she respected her opinion on most things when it came to boys, she'd completely read into it and Ruby didn't need any more encouragement when it came to Fynn.

Bella as usual guided them toward the wooded area. When she got to the stream entrance an eerie feeling unsettled her and her feet moved faster until she broke into a light run before turning around and going home again. Ruby was right - avoid the stream for now.


The competition was tomorrow and her anxiety wouldn't let her rest. Brian ordered her to have another rest weekend. She had listened up until today when she convinced Ruby to go swimming on the beach with her.

Ruby drove a light blue Corsa which they all referred to as the 'smurf' car. It had its flaws: a broken exhaust, a dodgy paint job, temperamental air conditioning, and a window in the passenger seat that wouldn't go down but everyone happily sat into it. Salantina heard the loud exhaust pull up followed by a beep making her smile - not like she needed the beep. She was out the door before she could hear any objections from her parents. Even her Dad was siding with her mum on the resting.

They arrived at the beach to calm waters and clear skies. In front of the car park was a pathway down to the sea with big stones at the waterfront to sit on. Memories came back from their younger days when Ruby, Rose, and Salantina sat right there in the summer talking about school and boys.

Within minutes they had marked out the length of their laps staying clear of two other swimmers. Salantina recognized one of the boys from school and he waved to her. They got straight into it then.


'The rest has done you good Salantina you're 1-second faster!' Ruby exclaimed. 'I didn't even think that was possible, are you not exhausted?' At this stage, they were swimming for forty minutes. A long time in seawater.

The Abyssal Kingdom: part 1Where stories live. Discover now