Chapter Eight

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After what happened at the stream, Salantina had quarantined herself in her bedroom on her laptop researching Raphael, the mark on her hand, and where Draoícht was. Despite the endless loopholes of research - nothing showed up. Days passed before her mother confronted her again. Her attitude from that previous morning now softened to understanding which was new for her. Salantina managed to convince her she was fine and just wanted to rest after a busy year but knowing her mother, it wouldn't be long before she intervened again.

After a week, Salantina couldn't take it anymore. She picked up her phone and when Ruby answered she spilled everything to her very silent friend. There was a long silence when she finished talking.

'Ruby, are you still there?' Her chest felt tight.

'... yeah sorry... just trying to process what you've said. I don't know what to say that just... just sounds... I don't know.' Ruby, for the first time in their friendship, couldn't find the words to comfort her. Or tell her she needs psychiatric help...

'Look I know you're scared but I think we should go to David's... sorry Raphael's house and confront him together.'

'Ruby, I don't want to drag you into all this.' She stood up from her chair and started pacing, her heart felt like it was about to beat out of her chest. 'I'm so sorry to burden you like this...I just needed to talk to someone. You're right. I'll go to Raphael's home and confront him - but, I will go by myself. I'll tell you what happens, I promise,' she replied trying to keep from hyperventilating with her breath now shallow it was hard to catch a breath.

'No! Don't go alone... I'm coming with you. I'll just get dressed. Stay there and be ready,' Ruby told her sternly. Truth be told Salantina was relieved she wouldn't have to be alone with him again but then again if Ruby didn't come over, she wouldn't go.

Within ten minutes Ruby was outside Salantina's door. Still apprehensive it took her longer than usual to even get ready.

'Ruby, are you sure you want to go there? I mean...' What if he attacks us? She wanted to say but couldn't say it out loud. Ruby looked into her eyes.

'Don't be afraid Sal. We are both here and we want answers.' Taking a deep breath she nodded and with that they both left, marching towards Raphael's house.

It took them just under an hour. He lived past Salantina's Aunt's home on the top of the mountain. Surrounded by woods, with no other home for miles around.

Turning off the road and walking down the lane, an old cottage painted an ugly green-yellow color came into view. The garden was unkept with a lot of overgrowth. If they hadn't been from the village they would have assumed it was abandoned.

Parked outside the house was a grey Jeep with the boot door opened. Inside it were black bags and some cleaning supplies. With Ruby leading they walked down the slope towards the house, a lot less confident than they were before. Outside the door, Ruby, who was feeling the braver of the two, called out.

'Hello! Anyone home?'

They could hear some rustling in the house and, a moment later, an old man appeared. He was stooping over a walking stick, wearing an old suit and had a kind red face with white hair poking out from beneath a flat cap.

'Hello. Sorry girls, I'm afraid I don't recognize either of you,' said the old man as he glanced between their faces.

'Sorry to disturb you, sir. We are here to visit David. Is he in?' Salantina responded, sounding a lot braver than she felt.

'I'm sorry, dears. He has moved on. He left me a note which I just got today when I came to collect the rent. Just cleaning everything out,' the man replied, looking sorrowfully aware that he will find it difficult to find another tenant for this house again.

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