Chapter Six

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Two days later, Salantina awoke in a strange mood. She wanted to get out of the house but didn't want to see anyone. At eleven o'clock Salantina arrived at the bus stop to go to the beach. It was on the side of a country road with no shelter, only a sign marking it to be there. The sun was high in the sky and for the first time in weeks, Salantina was feeling like herself again. Happily watching animals graze in the green fields across the road until the bus arrived.

'Where to?' Asked the bus driver when she stepped on. He was an older man with tired-looking eyes that crinkled when he smiled.

'The beach please.' He punched in a code and her ticket printed, paying her fare; she searched the bus for a seat. It wasn't difficult to find. It was pretty much empty aside from another person down the back. Their face were down so she couldn't see who it was.

Sitting near the front, she stared out the window watching the fields pass by, slowly turning into the seafront. The stop was in the car park beside the beach.

Salantina stood up to get off when the only other person on the bus passed her. She caught a glimpse of their faces; it was a boy around her age wearing a very serious expression. He barely noticed her while she stood for a moment shocked, it was Fynn.

She got off just after him, but he walked in the opposite direction toward the surfing shed. She couldn't believe Fynn was here, at the beach, at the same time as her. Since she graduated from school, she had grieved the fact she wouldn't see him again.

Taking a breath to stop herself from getting carried away, she reminded herself they were both here for different reasons; hers was to spend time by the water, nothing else. She would not act weird.

And with that, she walked toward a quiet part of the beach to watch the waves. This was the beach for surfers; the swimming beach was only accessible by car. It was unfortunate that Ruby wasn't home. She could be there now, not pining after Fynn. He didn't even notice me.

She sat down on the sand dunes and pulled out her notebook. It felt good to have a pen in her hand. She began scribbling trying to forget about him.

'Sorry to bother you, but could I ask for your help?' When she looked up she was met by green eyes; her face felt warm. He had taken down his hood, and she could see his short brown curly hair. His tanned face seemed a little flushed. 'Salantina... sorry, I didn't recognize you. Wow, you look different not in uniform.' In blue jeans, a t-shirt with her hair down, she had to admit she did. Her face, however, felt like it was burning.

'.... Well, look what the tide brought in. What can I help you with?' An abrupt change in the subject to avoid any further embarrassment or she would have to start digging her way into the sand. 

'Ha, I see what you done there,' he laughed still a little awkward. 'It's just since I moved here I heard that you could surf at this beach, but the surfing shed seems to be closed. I was just wondering, is that normal, is it always closed on Sundays?' He avoided her eye, looking around while rubbing his neck.

'I'm not sure I don't normally surf here, but I'm guessing if it's closed, maybe so. Have you checked online?' He looked disappointed.

'Oh... okay thanks anyways. It says it should be open on their website, but maybe that's changed.' She sympathized with him. He seemed to want to say something else but instead turned to leave.

'You should look around. It's a really nice beach for a walk. I could come with you if you want some company?' Salantina said in a rush.

'... That would be nice. Only if you have time, I don't want to be interrupting why you're here.' He looked at the notebook in her hand, curiously. 'I haven't actually been down here before.'

The Abyssal Kingdom: part 1Where stories live. Discover now