Happiest Day (2)

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"EX get back here!" Xisuma hissed, running across the room to catch up with his brother right at the beginning of the dark passage. The lights seemed to be completely broken, leaving the hallway looking ominous and without end.

EX pulled his phone from his pocket, shining its torchlight down the hallway, but even that seemed to get swallowed up by the shadows after a few meters.

"We don't know what's down here," Xisuma said in a harsh whisper as the two made their way through the darkness.

"You do," EX responded matter-of-factly. "After all, this is your doing. Unless you had your friends come up with their own scares so it would be more convincing. Either way, this seems pretty elaborate, and I want to see what you guys came up with. Speaking of which..."

He came to a stop at a set of doors on one side of the wall. They were those kitchen doors that swing both ways and had circular windows. Next to them was a sign which read "Employees Only". But most importantly, the metallic sound was coming from behind them. EX put his face to one of the windows, trying to get a look at the room beyond.

"What do you see?" Xisuma's voice, though barely a whisper, caused EX to jump.

"Not much," EX whispered back, glaring. He wasn't scared, of course. He knew this was all a practical joke. But the hallway was dark and echoey. It didn't feel like a place to talk at a normal volume. That was all. "It looks like a kitchen. Wait, there's something in there. I think it's the chicken robot."

"Chica? Please tell me it's just standing deactivated in a corner?"

"No, she's walking 'round in circles and running into everything. Pretty weird, huh?"

EX turned as he said the last part, but Xisuma wasn't paying any attention to him. He looked like he was frozen in place, staring back the way they had come with wide eyes and his face drained of color.

"EX." His voice was barely audible. "Don't move."

Disquieted by his brother's behavior, EX resisted the urge to turn his whole head, instead moving just his eyes to follow Xisuma's gaze.

Bonnie was standing at the end of the hallway, silhouetted against the light from the dining area, his long ears reaching most of the way up to the ceiling. He stood completely still, more still than Xisuma, just staring at them. Watching them.

""He's just standing there," EX muttered, not taking his eyes off of the huge robot. "Menacingly."

As if spurred by that comment, there was a low whirring sound and the animatronic took a slow step forward.

This snapped Xisuma out of his state of frozen terror. He grabbed EX's wrist and took off running farther down the dark hall. The light from EX's phone flashed wildly across the walls. He could hear the robot's footsteps clanging against the floor behind them. Were they getting faster? Louder?

He didn't get much of a chance to wonder. From behind, he heard another sound: the doors to the kitchen crashing open. Then, there was a whooshing noise as a spoon, spinning through the air, flew past his ear.

That damn bird's throwing things at us. For once EX kept his thoughts to himself, saving his breath. How long is this hallway?

Another utensil came hurtling past, this one a fork. EX winced as it grazed the side of his cheek. The fork kept going down the hallway, eventually hitting something and clattering to the floor.

He felt a brief flash of relief when the light showed they were nearing the end of the hallway. But then it struck him. They were nearing the end of the hallway. A dead end.

Til 6am (A Hermitcraft/FNaF Anthology)Where stories live. Discover now