Happiest Day (bonus content)

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Consider this a sort of end credit scene. 

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I imagined it in movie format too many times and couldn't figure out how to write it in a way that would do it justice... it's gonna be a weird style thats sort of just describing the scene.

It's gonna be odd and something that I'm not used to writing, nor do I plan on using again.

I hope you like it? :)

The camera starts outside the doors of an IHOP, sometime around mid-morning. As it moves towards the doors they magically open because I don't feel like attributing the camera to an actual person. A bell jingles as the door opens, because IHOPs totally have a bell on the door, I can't remember. I was in one like 2 weeks ago and I can't remember.

The veiw moves throughout the resuraunt, turning now and then to focus on different tables of people eating. Every person seems anxious and keeps glancing in one direction(which the camera is slowly making its way towards), but also trying not to seem like their looking. The people who are in groups are whispering amongst each other.

Also, they're all various MCYTs.

Eventually, the camera makes its way over to a booth where(surprise surprise) Xisuma and EX are eating. They're both still covered in dust and blood(because neither thought to look in a mirror this whole time and only knows what the other looks like) and Xisuma still has the bloodied sleeve/bandage on his arm.

EX has a mostly-eaten stack of those fun pancakes with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream.

IDK what Xisuma has, I didn't think of it 'cause it's not really relevant.

He probably has coffee.

Or tea.

I think IHOP has hot tea.

[oh void, how do I write dialouge in this style? uh-]

[EX]: "I'm gonna do it this time."

[Xisuma]: "Please don't. You look like you crawled out of a grave."

There's a sound of approaching footsteps. EX shushes Xisuma, who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else right now.

[Waiter, who is currently out of veiw of the camera]: *sounding heasitant and pretty concerned* "Can I... get you two anything else?"

[Xisuma]: *sofly* "Don't."

[EX]: "How about your number?"


The camera pans over to show the waiter(whose nametag reads "Hels") looking absolutely terrified.

[Xisuma, currently out of shot]: *under his breath* "Yeah, real smooth."

Yeah. Idk if this was good or not, lol.

I can't give an estimate on when the next story will be because I haven't started it yet, lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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