Happiest Day (3)

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"What just happened?" Xisuma whispered.

"I don't know, I think the power went out." Straining his eyes to see through the darkness, EX stared at the two void-like exits on either side. Deep down, he knew something was there, just out of sight.

"But why did the doors open?"

"How should I kn-" EX paused. He could hear a music box playing.

High up in the right doorway were two dim circles of light. Eyes, EX realized with a shiver. The faint glow they cast barely illuminated the round features of the animatronic's face. Along with the music, there was a deep chuckling sound. The robot was laughing at them.

Never once looking away from the glowing eyes, EX reached around in the dark until he found the metal desk chair by the table. He slowly rose to his feet, gripping the chair in front of him with both hands.

"What are you doing?" Xisuma hissed.

"On my signal," EX whispered, "run."

He kept his eyes on the animatronic. The music continued, as did the laughter. Then, just as suddenly as they had started, they both stopped, and the eyes went dark. The animatronic was once again lost in the shadows.

EX took a deep breath in an attempt to slow his racing heart and closed his eyes. He might not be able to see the robot, but he could still hear it. Faint clicks and whirs of motors proved that it hadn't left.

He waited for several moments which felt like minutes, listening for any sign of change. Then he heard it, the sudden squeaking sound of metal joints and the heavy footfall of the robot rushing forward.

EX turned his body to face the robot, swinging the chair as he did so. His eyes flew open right as he released his hold on the chair, and he saw it crash into the face of the charging animatronic, less than two meters away.

He didn't stick around a moment longer. He took off running out the door, knowing Xisuma was right behind him. He heard the robot stumble and fall, but there was no way it was down for good.

But where could they go? EX knew it would be pointless to try the doors again, they'd only be cornered. No, they had to hide somewhere.

"This way," he said, running through an open door into what looked like a room rented out for parties. There were several tables with colorful tablecloths, but they didn't reach anywhere near the floor, so they wouldn't make a good hiding spot.

Across the room was a small stage surrounded by a purple curtain with white stars. EX ran towards it and slipped behind the curtain, followed moments later by Xisuma.

EX closed his eyes, struggling to catch his breath. Then he felt a hand clamp over his mouth. He twisted, ready to fight his attacker before realizing it was Xisuma. His eyes were wide and he gestured for EX to be quiet.

Now that he looked at his surroundings, EX was glad that his brother's hand was there to stop him from screaming. In the cramped space behind the curtain, barely centimeters from his face, was a gleaming metal hook. The half-raised arm it was attached to belonged to another large animatronic. This one had a pointy face and ears, and was mostly covered in a dull red felt. He backed away from the robot as much as he could, which wasn't much.

'It isn't moving,' he signed. The fox-like robot was in fact completely still. One eye was covered with an eyepatch, and the other was lightless, staring straight forward. He might have thought it was deactivated, but he had thought the same about Bonnie, and he wasn't going to take any chances with talking.

Til 6am (A Hermitcraft/FNaF Anthology)Where stories live. Discover now