The Kidnapping Begins...

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(Pardon my mistakes because I am typing this on my phone, but I hope you like this prologue.Please vote and comment what you think about the prologue ;p )
Dawns P.O.V

"Alright see you tomorrow Dawn." Alex says to me as I walk out the door from my work.

" See ya!" I say and wave .

I absolutly hate this part of the day.I have to walk through a long alley just to get to my house.Its always dark and creepy there.

I start walking down the long, creepy,dark,and creepy alley and my phone buzzes .I take it out and a have a text. It's from my mom.

"Tell me when you leave work okay."

I start to text back when a hand reaches around me and yanks me backward. I try and scream but a hand covers my mouth, tightening it shut.

I use my second resort and start kicking behind me.I try my hardest to keep to my feet but whoever this is is dragging me to fast. I elbow back.

" OW DAMNIT!" The voice sounds like a he ,more like an older he.
He pushes me on the ground and I kick hard at him.My foot hits something and I hear another yelp .I feel a slight prick in my arm, I take one more kick at him. He yells out once more.I try again but that last kick felt like all the energy in my body had been taken out of me.I keep trying to push him off but he has me pinned down by my hands and stomach.I lose all feeling in my body and my hearing goes out.I try and keep awake but it just seems so.. hard...

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