"KIDNAPPER" 's Real Side...

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I wake up by a blinding light.I hear a big thump and look over to see Ashton laying in a big heap on the floor.He groans.

" HA Suck It! I am not the only one!" I say and point at him.He tries to get up ,but just falls to the floor.He just lays there for a second.I spin around on my bed to hover over him.

" Ashton?" I ask and wait for an answer. He rolls out of the blankets and looks up at me.

"Yes?" He says smiling.

" Are you gonna get up of the floor anytime soon?" I ask him smiling.He looks up like he is thinking.

" I don't really know the floor happens to be a lot more comfortable than the beds." He smiles and I giggle at him.

" That's just because you aren't used to these kinds of beds." I say.

" And you are?" He raises a brow.

" Well no.."

" Exactly." He says I climb out of bed and take a seat by him.

" Ashton how did he get he get you?" I ask.

" Hmm who?"

" The "KIDNAPPER "."

"Oh well I was at this party and I was hanging with Micheal, Calum, Luke , and some other chick, and I picked my drink up from a table.Now don't start saying 'wow your stupid', because I only had set it down for a minute.And after that I kinda sorta ...went into another room with some girl , and I don't remember after that.The worst part is the girl was..."I cut him off.

" It was the woman that escorted us wasn't it?" I ask putting my head on my hand.

" Yeeeaaaahhhh."

We are startled by the door swinging open.

" Lets Go!"The "KIDNAPPER" commands.



"Hey how's pin pointing their location going?" I ask Calum.

" Just one more thing annnndd...OMG ...I got it! OMG I Did it!"Calum shouts and stands from the computer.

" You did what ?" Luke hops up from the couch.

" I found where they are!" Calum says.

" WHERE?!" Luke asks.We run over to the computer.

" A back building on Power Street. " he states.

" Power Street That's where the old pizza place is right?" I ask.

" Yeah the one that shut down."Luke says.

" Yeah that's the one but we have to hurry , the deal is made tomorrow at 5:00." Calum says.

" If you haven't noticed we haven't used these suits in quite a while." I say and hold up my ripped red and black suit.Calum sighs.

" I will go get the sewing kit." Luke groans.

" Calum go get all the suits, and I will get spare cloth." I order and Calum nods and leaves to get the suits.I open a hall closet and pull out a trash bag of old clothing.I drag the bag all the way to the meeting table where Calum and Luke are already waiting.They have the suits spread all over the table and a needle out of the sewing kit.

"Okay everybody dive in and look for your suit colors." I pour the trash bag out in a heap on the floor.They are all different colors but mostly black.

" Well ... this is going to be very hard considering all we ever wear is Freaking black!" I exclaim.

" Yeeeaaaahhhh." Calum says.

" Oh I don't know what you two are griping about but my suit is made of black and silver so yeah.Hey at least me and Micheal costumes can be fixed." He says.

" Well we still have Calum so we have to help him find some cloth too." I state.

" Okay ,gosh Calum why did you have to pick such bright colors." Luke groans.

" Well I'm sorry I am Beautiful and creative!" Calum fights back with a smile.OMFG.

" Ladies shut your yaps and get to work!" I say." We have no time to waste we have to get these done by tomorrow." I add.


The room looks the same except a table with a clock on it and two ropes hanging from the ceiling.

He ties Ashton hands up on a rope connected to to the ceiling.He grunts and I try and squirm out of the woman's grasp but she yanks me back.

" Your plan isn't going to work! Do what you want with us but you will never get that 70 grand!" I state.

" Oh well then I guess you will love what I have in store for you then ,it's a mix of torture before death." He smiles sickly.

" Ashton remember what we talked about last night?" I ask him.He let's out a stressful sounding laugh.

" Yeah , I guess we were way wrong weren't we?" He says.

" Yeah we were." I sigh.

" Now for the girl." The "KIDNAPPER" says.The woman pushes me forward.

" Over here." He orders.The woman pushes me to the otherside of the room.The man takes lifts my arms and pushes me onto a stool.I keep my eyes on Ashton as the man ties a rope around my arms.When the man gets done he stands in the middle and smiles at both of us.

" Now what was that about my plan not working." He says.

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