Meeting Ashton...

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Dawns P.O.V

When I wake up I find myself unable to
move.I open my eyes and try to bring my hand to my face, but it doesn't move.I look down and my arms and legs are tied to a chair.I hop up and down in attempt to get out .

" It's not going to work you know..." a boy says behind me.I look behind me and see that there is another chair tied to the back of mine.I try to see the person sitting there ,but my head can't turn that far.All I can see is his shoulder.

" Who are you?" I ask cautiously.I here him chuckle.

" I could ask you the same question." He answers.

" I asked you first though." I challenge .

" Tusha , Hi I'm Ashton." He says with a little laugh.

" Hey I'm Dawn."

"Hmmm Dawn that's a peculiar name, isn't it now?" He's got an accent.I can't tell I think it is Australian though.

" Where are we?" I ask him looking around.Its a plain room with no windows all it is is just white walls.There is nothing in this room except a TV set up on the upper right corner.

"What is my middle name?" He asks.What?Is he crazy or something? Great the last thing I need is to be stuck in a room with some crazy teenage boy.

" I don't know."

"Well there's your answer." He chuckles,"Look I am in the same boat here.I have no idea where we are or why we have been Teen Napped.So in this situation I am not the best person to ask questions. "

" Okay got it.Then what do we do?"

" Wow what a great question to ask a guy who doesn't know." He says sarcastically.

Suddenly a door clicks open.A man walks in with a sick smile on his face.He has black slicked back hair ,and an itty-bitty

" Hello , you may be wondering who I am and why you have been kidnapped and who I am..."I cut him off.

" You said who I am twice." I correct and Ashton snickers.He looks at me confused.

" Yeah I suppose I did it for effect you know the whole dramatic looking off into the distance thing." He looks off into the distance and back at me.

" Oookaayyy carry on." I say.

" I have a plan you see..." he watches us closely,"And I need power and money .I want to be the richest man on earth like Bill Gates.To be finally treated like a somebody.I want power, more power than the government!" He brings his hand up for effect." I want to rule! ...get the point.And you two are my ticket to getting there."

"Wow I feel important." I say and Ashton giggles." So how are we being used in your diabolical plan."

"Well you see you all are both so important Ashton and Dawn.You see I am using you two to get 70 grand .If I get the 70 grand you two will be released and if not... get the picture?"He explains.I bust out laughing for what feels like minutes.I look back up at the man and he has his brow raised.

" Sorry I can't help myself." I say a tear falls down my cheek. Ashton starts to join in.

" What is so funny?" The man asks clearly confused.

" You actually think that we are worth 70 grand?! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! You might as well just kill us now!" I say still giggling .

" It will work because you are the presidents daughter and Ashton here is from a band named 5 Seconds of Summer..." I cut him off again.

" Oh good job buddy I think I have heard a few of your songs you guys are pretty good." I say to Ashton.

" Thanks you know we practice a lot we work pretty hard it's not that easy..."he starts to say but the man interupts.

" Enough!! In about an hour you two will be broad casted live on the news channel saying how much you want to see your band members and how much you want to see your daddy again and I will propose the deal!" He says. I hop up and down in the chair and whine a little.

" YES? What do you want?" He asks harshly.

" What if you don't have any family members and you are an orphan then what do you say?" I say.The man slaps his forehead.

" This is the most frustrating conversation." He scratches his forehead ."Then make some puppy eyes and plead for someone to save you .Then hopefully IF your lucky some boy will think your cute and try to save you.BUT that isn't the case now is it. You are the president's daughter , and daddy loves his daughter now doesn't he?"

"Uh Rude! First of all ,I'm better looking than you! Second of all, I don't need a boy to save me! Third of all, what do you do if you have to pee?" I ask totally ignoring his speech about my dad .He looks confused and frustrated at the same time.Ashton almost tips our chair over laughing.
" Whoa Ashton calm down there buddy you gonna tip us over!" I add.

" Oh My... I guess you are just going to have to hold your pee or leak all over yourself. I'd rather you chose the first one though because I don't happen to have a janitor." He sighs and starts walking to the door.

" Wait!" I call out" What do we call you?"

" MOTHER OF PEARL WOMAN! JUST CALL ME THE FREAKING KIDNAPPER!" he shouts and slams the door.There is a short moment of silence.

" Jeeeez, what's his problem?" I ask and Ashton loses it on the otherside.

" Dawn I am pretty sure that nobody has ever made me laugh like that in while ." He says still laughing.

" Really, I thought your band members were quite a batch of cookies."

" Yeah they are funny."He says.

" You know his plan isn't going to work right?" I ask.

"Why? I think it could, not that I want it to." He says.

"Well it either can or won't. Because if my dad doesn't pay then all you fans are going to go crazy and start thinking up plans to freaking assassinate my dad and NONE OF US want that.And if It does then the "KIDNAPPER" will get killed by all your fans for taking you. So either way this was a stupid idea."I explain.

" That makes since." He says.

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