Bring in the dogs

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" Ash what are we gonna do?" I ask.

" Uhm I don't know." I look over at him.Hes got his eyes closed trying to compete with the pain.

" Ash are we going to die?"

"Wow what a positive question." He chuckles and I giggle but immediatly stop from the pain in my wrists.

" Probably not , the president will end up paying for his little daughters safety and we will be freed unless someone saves us before the deal is made." He says.

" I sure hope you're right."



" Damm this is one fine suit don't you think?" Micheal asks wearing his suit.

" Yeah it looks great ." I say looking in a mirror for any flaws.

" Yeah we look good!" Luke says.

" Yeah we do , but we need to get back on track.Its already 3:50 so we have about an hour before the deal has to be sealed.Our job is to get in there, save Ashton and the girl, and stop the deal. Everybody got it?" Micheal says.

" Yup." I answer and Luke just nods.

" Okay let's go to the car." Micheal says.
We run to the garage and crowd into a little red Fiat.

" Okay is it just me or do we need a more manly car, because I don't think a couple guys wearing some costumes in a Fiat is very intimidating." I say.

" Yeah but it will have to do .Do you have the location?" Micheal asks.

" Yup."

"Pull it up on the GPS."I pull it up and hand it to him.

" See this is why you are useful." He smiles sarcastically at me.

" HA HAHAHA no..." I challenge.

" Just go!" Luke says.

" Okay okay." Micheal backs out of the driveway and drives down the street.

" Turn right on Right road." The GPS orders.

" Hey Micheal." Luke says.

" What Luke?" He sighs.

" Don't forget to turn on the right road!" He jokes.He turns and glares at Luke.

" You've got problems man."he says Luke looks down at his lap.

" I know..." he jokes and me and Micheal start laughing.


" Ash it's already 4:20!" I say and he looks at the clock.

" Don't worry Dawn we will be okay.Listen to me, we will get saved." He says to me.

The door opens and a couple guards walk in along with the "KIDNAPPER".He sets a camera pointing at us, and connects a cable to the TV.I watch as guards fill every corner of the room.Then the
"KIDNAPPER " turns to us.

"So you two better hope your daddy pays because if not... it would be a shame.BRING IN THE DOGS!" he shouts.Dogs? What dogs?Right then four guards with four rottweilers walk in.

" So here's the dealio your daddy pays all fine and good you get to go home live the rest of your terrible lives , but... if he doesn't pay then these dogs you see here... will be set loose." He says pointing at the dogs now being put on chains connected to both walls on either side of us.They are barking like they are rabid.

" So I will say it once more better hope daddy pays." He let's out a sick laughter.
" well have fun playing with the doggies , you have about 35 minutes until time is up and the choice is made." He adds and leaves the room.

The dogs are inches away from us.One jumps at me, and snaps it's jaws making me let out a jumps at Ashton and he kicks it in the chest.It yelps and falls down on the ground ,but gets back up and asks more aggressive towards him.

" Ashton I don't think kicking them is the best idea!" I say.

"Well its better than getting bit." He argues.

" Yeah but now look your swaying that gives them a better chance at getting you."

" Yeah I guess your right."Right then one almost bites my leg making me shriek.

"Are you okay did it get you?" He asks.

" No I'm fine." I call back.

" See this is why I don't trust girls when they say they're fine.You are in the middle of a room hanging from the ceiling and surrounded by evil dogs, how could you possibly be fine?!" He says.

" Okay you want the truth? I'm am not fine." I say back." I just meant that the dog didn't bite me." I add .We have to shout over the noise of the dogs barking.

" Oh... sorry." He says and jumps when a dog jumps at him.

" OW no don't jump it hurts, a lot!" He groans.

" Ashton what would you say if I told you the clock said 4:40!" I say looking at the clock.

" I would say... actually I don't know what I would say. Probably were screwed." He jokes.

" Well that gives me confidence." I say.

" Yeah, glad I could help." He jokes and I giggle.

" How are we laughing right now!" I laugh at him.He smiles and starts laughing.

" HOW..." he says laughing.

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