The Broadcasting ...

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After an hour of talking to Ashton , and my foot falling asleep eight times, the "KIDNAPPER" finally comes in.He sets a camera in front of each of us along with a tall lamp.

" You know me and my newly made friend here could use a drink some time or another." I say and he doesn't say anything."Oh I see you are playing the quiet game."

He turns on the lamps blinding both us and himself.He changes the setting so it's not quite as blinding and turns off the lights.I here him walk over to the cameras and them both on.

" If either one if you even try to say anything about me or where you are I swear I will kill you.You got that!" He says."Now put on those sad faces . We go live in 5...4...3...2...1.."

" Listen very closely each and everyone of you.I have taken hostage two people.Both in which has very high popularity.You may know him as Ashton Irwin From 5 Seconds of Summer.The other as Dawn Mcall the president's daughter." I interupt him.

" I'm sorry to interfere with your little speech but what am I supposed to say?" I ask.

" SHUT UP!" he yells with frustration."DO YOU WANT ME TO SHOOT YOU?!" he yells.

" Well considering I like my head the way it is I am pretty sure I don't want a hole in it, But on the bright side I won't have to see your hideous face ever again." I challenge." You know you aren't the least bit frightening."I hear him leave the room.
I hear Ashton chuckling away as he always is.The chair is kinda vibrating, he has a belly laugh.

" Well thats not very nice.since our host has decided to bail out on us I guess I will take over. Yeah I kinda want to be saved so if anyone can help us please do because between you and me he is terribly ugly."Ashton is dying of laughter." Ashton... buddy are you okay?" I ask.

" Yes ...just keep going ." He says between chuckles.

" Yes well don't choke on your spit, okay. Somebody please help us.This man tackled me in the middle of an alley ,I am pretty sure that we need some help." I stop right as the "KIDNAPPER" walks in.I hear a rip of something.He sets something down on the desk and starts walking towards me.

"No, what is that? No dont put that on my ..."He spreads duct tape over my mouth.Oh this will be easy to get out of.

" There finally I have gotten her to shut up.What are you laughing about?" He asks Ashton.I start licking the tape.

" Nothing just carry on." He says trying to hold back laughter but he fails.

" Okay , here's the deal I want 70 grand from the president or these two die. It seems like a lot of money to pay for just two people but if you don't pay me the money it won't be just two kids to deal with .There will be a mob of angry girls at the white house doorstep, and you know none of us want that.Oh along with all the pain of your daughter dying." He says." Have the money for me by tomorrow at 5:00 pm or bye bye Ashton Irwin and Dawn Mcall."He let's out an evil laugh and turns off the cameras. He turns on the lights and off the lamps.

By the time he finishes putting away the lamps and the cameras I finally finish licking off the duct tape.

" You know I should really have my own talk show.I think that would be fun don't you Ashton ?" I ask totally ignoring the fact that the " KIDNAPPER " is still in the room.

" Yeah that would be fun, you would be good at it too." He chuckles.

" Thank you , I made it a life goal to make people laugh and smile." I say.

" That is a good life goal." He says.

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