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We tried to calm Lakisha, but it was no use. She kept on saying those words. Lakisha gave us her phone, signaling that we could find something on it. After receiving the phone, it was on the contact list, and the profile of her younger sister can be seen. By that, we realized that she wanted her to be present in this situation, or maybe she has some information that we don't know.

We called Liana and told her what happened and she said that she is already on the way to the hospital.

Liana arrived a little later and she rushed to her sister and quickly gave her a big hug that helped lakisha calm.


Liana POV

As soon as I entered the hospital, I rushed to the room where Lakisha was. I quickly gave her a big hug that help her loosed up. I ask her what happened, but I did not get any response from her. So I decided to ask her friends instead.

"What happened?" I asked.

"An unexpected incident happened, someone pointed a gun at Lakisha earlier with an unknown guy. She managed to get the gun and put the man into sleep but after that she became weak and started to have panic attacks." Mertel said.

I realized what happen and as long as I can recall my sister is afriad of guns specialy the AMT Lightning Pistol.

I decided to calm her by my presence and luckily it helped a little. A sudden memory flashed in my mind where she was privately telling me what to do when something unexpected happened to her.

She said that inside this room at the corner of her table that is locked and needed to be answer is the one I should open. But she did not clearly tell me what would I find when I opened it. Because of my curiosity I went to her table and find that spot where that is. I opened it and a question appeared. The question is "How old is Lakisha?" Of course I knew it and quickly said 26. Yes it is voice automated.

"What is Lakisha's real name?" That question left me shocked because when I entered her name, it got denied. So I asked her friends; maybe they knew what it was, but they only knew the same one. We were all looking troubled because we were hoping to find some information about her in that storage.

"Monroe" Mr. Monroe, the father of Lei said.

I felt confused because of what he said I was going to ask him why but because of the panic I just said it. And surprisingly tha storage opened.

"How did you know?" I ask Mr. Monroe but he just looked away and acted like he didn't hear my question.

Inside the storage there were a lot of files that were labeled with the use of morse code; luckily, I knew how to read some. My eyes caught one that says "panic attacks," and I quickly opened it and read some on how to help her calm down.

Just like what in the files, I assure her that I'm with her and sang her favorite song stay. Which gave a huge impact because after some time she finally calm down and became sleepy because of too much things that she do.

While she was sleeping on the couch, I decided to look inside the storage. The one that gets me more curious is the file entitled "Family", because ever since I never got any updates about them, the only thing that she tells me is their characteristics but never their names. I also tried searching our surname, which is Smith, but I never saw anyone familiar.

I opened it, and you can see an old family picture on the first page. But the one thing that made me more confused is why Mr. Monroe and Lei were in the picture with my sister and why the file was entitled "Family".

I was shocked when someone held my shoulder and called me; based on the voice, it was my sister Lakisha.

"Why were Mr. Monroe and Lei on the picture in this file that has the title "family"? ". I said my voice almost cracking.

"L-Liana" was the only thing that she said.

"TELL ME IS MR. MONROE OUR FATHER?!" I shouted because I don't want her to lie. And yes the group Manatili was still inside this room as well as Mr. Monroe.

Lakisha sighed, looked at Mr. Monroe, and slightly nodded. And by that time, my tears started to flow continuously. The information was still not sinking in,  and I felt various emotions, including being mad because why did she have to keep it a secret from me? All this time, they were this close to me? A lot of what-if's crossed my mind. of course I'm happy because I already knew who my family is, but my mind is so clouded that I went out of that room to get some air and think carefully.


I saw Liana holding the file and started staring on our family picture. I knew that the time had come, and I needed to explain it to her.

The way she shouted at me, she was pleading me to tell the truth. I know that she has the right to know everything, so I looked at our father and nodded at her, telling her that she's right.

At that moment, I don't know what will happen, but one thing is for sure; they might get Liana away from me. The moment when Leonard, our father, laid eyes on her, it was full of admiration and love. He looked at Liana the same way he looked at Lei; at that point, I knew that he would do everything to get her from me.

I know my life is still at risk because of him and the death threats that I continue to receive every day.

On the other side, Lei was also shocked because of the information. Mr. Monroe and I were the only ones who knew what was happening. Lei only knew me as her cousin, and Mr. Monroe told her that I was already dead.

"What is her full name?" Mr. Monroe asks

"Liana Smith" I replied, with no emotion in me.

"What is she currently doing in life?" He asked again.

"She is currently studying at law school" I replied.

"Get ready; we will take her home, and I will explain everything. The only thing that you need to do is to convince her to stay with us." Mr. Monroe said

I felt scared and nervous at the same time because I knew that he had the capacity to deceive Liana and tell her the other side of the story, where he will make himself a victim.

At that moment, I want to tell everyone what he did and don't stop until he realizes all the things that he did.

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