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The day ended with a lot of discussion, and as expected, I was removed from the team that will manage the group Manatili. I'm just a bit disappointed because this is the first project on which I will be working with my friends. 

So the official medical students that will assist the group Manatili are Mertel, Alina, Sandra, and Alice, the one who replaced me. 

I went to bed a little gloomy because of the situation and, of course, the text that gives me chills. 


I was walking down a dark alley alone when a group of boys, or should I say a gang, suddenly began following me. I somehow felt aware that something might happen and ready myself to do some self-defense just in case and run until the police station. I walked a little bit faster so that they wouldn't notice that I was starting to get scared, and as I walked faster, all of them started to run towards me. 

I am a little confident about my skills because I learned martial arts, and to my surprise, when they started to hurt me, I felt so small, like I was just nothing compared to them. Yes, after they beat me, they just started to walk away and left me there with no one. 

The last person who was left there standing felt familiar, when he looked at me I realized who it is, it's Alfred, my dad's friend.

"Please h-h-help me," I said while shivering because of the cold air and the bruises that have started to hurt more than I expected. He just looked at me with pity in his eyes and decided to turn his back. 

"Please stay" I said in a low tone, but enough for him to hear. It caused him to stop and look at me again.

"Help me, I promise I won't tell anyone about what happened" I utter, I have no other choice he is my only hope right now. He just scoffed at my words and started walking leaving me behind.

I started crying because everything started to hurt. It feels so heavy, as I look in front there is a glass that helps to see my own reflection and to my surprise it's the Five years old me lying on the floor throwing up blood and wanting to go home.

I suddenly felt someone shaking me. I hurtfully opened my eyes to see Liana crying while begging for me to wake up.

Liana hugged me; the hug brought much warmth to my body. I feel her comfort and love overflowing.

"Thank God you woke up, I thought that something might happen to you. I was just taking a glance of you when your body started to stiff and started talking in your dream. I panicked when you started to ask for help and begged me to stay." Liana said.

As I expected when I touched my face there were no tears or any trace of it.

I just stood up and decided to cook for our breakfast to lighten up the atmosphere.

After that we part our ways, I drove Liana to her school and I headed to the hospital thinking about my weird dream.

I went to the room to fix my things and to my surprise the group Manatili was there waiting for someone.

"Good Morning, Everyone, I will just fix my things and head out so that you can talk comfortably."

I took out some trash and fixed some documents and decided to bid my goodbye to them. While walking I bumped into Alice that was running her life, maybe she is the one they are waiting for.

To my surprise I assisted a 10 year old girl, that has been abused and raped, and the leading suspect is her father.

When I helped the patient, I was struck by the harsh reality. The father raped and abused her own daughter like a dude; a family should guide and help their children, not be the source of their trauma. "Home is where you are loved the most," as the saying goes, but what if it isn't, as it has become one of your greatest traumas? You don't want to go home because you no longer feel loved; instead, you feel fear running through the house.

You will realize that the world is not the problem, but the person who lives on it. Imagine those kids should be playing and enjoying their lives, being the best versions of themselves, and dreaming big for the future. But now look; they became depressed, scared, and developed physical, emotional, mental problems that they should not be experiencing.

I assisted a lot of patients and went home after I just decided to message Sandra that I will go home early because for sure I can't distract them because of the serious atmosphere in the room.

I was thinking about my dream while eating dinner, and I also remembered the text message I received the last time. I was nervous, as if it was a sign that something bad was going to happen. Or perhaps I was just overthinking things.

Since it's my rest day tomorrow, I decided to buy some drinks, set myself up on the roof of our house, and watch the sky while thinking about some things in life. 

My phone beeped meaning I just received a text. So i decided to look at it.


Yes, why?

We'll be there later, we're just packing up.

Okay okay, bring some drinks if you want to.

Yes, that's how close we are. We don't need to ask permission on some things; It's like my house is their house and vice versa; we are just comfortable with each other like sisters.

I somehow realized how this friendship started; all of us met for the first time in the hospital and discovered that we all studied in the same school.

"Unexpected friendship is the best."I do agree with this saying because the four of us initially ignored each other even if we cross paths in the school. we act as though we are strangers to each other. we were all like people who didn't belong in that place

I broke my thoughts when the three arrived with some drinks and foods in their hands. They seated and looked tired because of their work.

All of us enjoyed the night talking and reminiscing about some memories, planning about some trips and ranting about some problems. They also share something about Alice - that sometimes, she would go overboard bragging herself in front of the group Manatili. They also said that Alice is a little bossy.

I wake up in the room with the three lying peacefully beside me. I looked at my phone and got shocked because I have an unread message from Dr. Solace saying that I need to go to the hospital today. I don't know what is happening, so I wake up the three and tell them. 

"Get ready and go there now. Maybe it's important" Alina said

"Yes, they will not disturb your rest day if it's not that important" Mertel said.

" Move now, we will follow you later" Sandra said.

I prepared as fast as I could and started to calm myself in the car because of what Dr. Solace would tell me.

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