Chapter 2

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Her reflections were abruptly interrupted by her aunt who said cheerfully:<<Someone's coming, he's on a horse, can you hear him?>>

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Her reflections were abruptly interrupted by her aunt who said cheerfully:<<Someone's coming, he's on a horse, can you hear him?>>

No. She did not hear him, caught up in her thoughts as she was, but now that she had focused and strained her ear, she heard it too. Someone was coming at a small trot.

Her aunt was strangely cheerful, as if she knew, as usual, who was coming.

She suddenly felt a strange tingling sensation down her spine.

Whoever this person was and whatever was to happen after their arrival, she had a stupid but distinct feeling that a lot of things were going to change in her life.

Shrugging it off, to erase those thoughts, she ran after her aunt who had already hurried to the wooden entrance gate on the main driveway.

At the same moment as she approached her, Megan noticed that a man on horseback was approaching them.

She immediately detected from a distance that he was not one of the usual wayfarers or people from the neighbouring village. The gait and bearing were the one of a knight on his steed.

That is certainly not Master Sam!

Megan looked at her aunt. In her gaze was that light that she knew so well and that was exactly a sign of trouble, at least for her.

Elly did not seem at all surprised to receive that visit, on the contrary she acted as if it was an event she had been waiting for a long time and had finally happened. This thought brought back the strange tingling sensation that restarted at the base of her neck and went all the way down her spine.

For a moment, which seemed to Megan to last forever, everything seemed to slow down as if she was dreaming. It was a phenomenon that started to happen a lot when something important was happening.

Everything around her seemed surreal and timeless. The air seemed to take on the consistency of a transparent veil and vibrated slightly. The only sound was the soft pattering of the horse's hooves on the ground.

The rider was dismounting from his horse and for a moment she seemed to see the face that had sporadically occupied her dreams for some time. As soon as he was on the ground he walked towards her aunt and did a slight bow.

<<Lady Ellyll, I am glad to see you again. It has been a long time since the last time>>.

It's not him, Megan realized with disappointment.

The statement of the knight astonished her and put her in a state of deep curiosity.

Did her aunt already know him? When did this happen? From the first day she had moved in to live with the aunt, she could not remember any event that might have brought them together. Megan had lived in a secluded manner, especially far from the world that was usual for a knight like that.

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