Chapter 7

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Alone at last!

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Alone at last!

Megan breathed a sigh of relief.

The room was small, with a tiny bed leaning against one of the two longest walls, a window almost opposite the door, a fireplace on the wall opposite the bed with a wash tub next to it. The mattress did not seem to have fleas and no cockroaches were to be seen around. After all, though small, the room appeared to be clean and, in its simplicity, well kept. After closing the door with the latch, she relaxed.

What an absurd situation!

Moira was clearly jealous, but why had William behaved in such a strange way? Was the feeling he had for the lost woman still so strong that he felt guilty every time she showed kindness to someone else?

She perceived strong mixed feelings in Earl de Clare's son but could not bring them all into focus. She walked over to the window to look out.

The room did not face the street, but the stable, which was separated from the main building by a small courtyard. From there, she could see William and Kay intent on talking and a little further away, Parsy looking after the horses.

The rain was now pouring down copiously, and the sky, which had darkened, was occasionally brightened by lightning in the distance.

As he was trying to clear his thoughts, he heard a knock at the door.

<<Milady, it's Moira, I brought hot water for your bath>>.

Roused by that voice she went to open the door.

The innkeeper entered with two servants who poured two large pots of steaming water into the tub and left without a word. Moira placed some cloths on the bed, which would be used to dry herself, and before closing the door she asked her: <<Do you need anything else Milady?>>.

The woman kept calling her 'Milady'. It was really starting to annoy her.

<<No, thank you. However, please know that I am not a Lady, and I am also not Sir William's woman>>.

Moira looked at her at first surprised, then her gaze became wary.

<<I don't know who you are, and I don't care. All kinds of people pass through here every day. William...I mean Sir William told me that you are a 'Lady' and that is all that matters to me>>.

She put her hand on her hip.

<<What relationship you have with Sir William is none of my business, however from the way he looks at you it doesn't seem like there isn't something going on between the two of you>>.

Said this, she turned in on herself and walked away. Megan gasped. She had certainly not expected such a response. Megan closed the door again in annoyance and tried to think only of her bathroom.

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