𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲. "t̶h̶e̶ o̶l̶d̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶"

772 24 12

The color of fire pits and tangerines, the orange gold is a vast expanse. After the velvety night has had its say and the moon, Pandora, has once again relaxed, it is merely the reflection of morning and the promise of the rising sun.

Children, young and old warriors go on with their tasks and duties within the Omatikaya clan. They prepare what they need, a bow, a blade, even an axe for their training with one of the clan's best hunters, Swalta Te Zulhue Tsaro'itan. The young warriors gather around a different face — the Olo'eyktan's oldest child, whispering around to ask questions on their teacher's whereabouts.

"Please everyone, settle down and be quiet! Swalta cannot be here to teach you today. His mate needs his help so I volunteered on his spot," Neteyam announces earning more whispers from the students.

One raises their head to ask a question. "Is she giving birth?" The young warrior questions.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me exactly, but I'm here on his behalf." Neteyam answers with a proud smile, the smile that gets a lot of girls squirming.

Lo'ak rolls his eyes seeing his brother's suitresses glow red. He's always been jealous of his brother's charisma, the way he can get any woman he wants by just batting an eyelash at them is a charm he wishes to have. Sure he has admirers but they often only come to him to get closer to his brother.

Neteyam this, Neteyam that, such a perfect little soldier. In everyone's eyes, Lo'ak is just the other brother. Less known, more rebellious. Sometimes he wishes he can just be Neteyam for a day and feel what it's like to be liked.

That's why he's been hurrying to find himself a mate. His parents have been bothering them like crazy and he wants to one up Neteyam for once. A pretty girl who can hunt or heal, maybe even a warrior who's a little rebellious to take with him instead of forcing his brother.

"Hey guys, do you wanna go for a ride? They'll probably do something boring since Swalta isn't here." Lo'ak suggests, turning to his friends.

"Can't bro, I'm already in enough trouble with my father." Rawn explains.

"Same dude, my mother wants me to help wash the pa'li for A WHOLE MONTH because of our last cock-up." Arutey declines. "I can't keep messing up." He adds with his brows scrunched in worry.

Their last plight was something unforgettable. All four of them, excluding Neteyam, came up with a fatuous plan to disturb an elderly by heating his meal hot. He ended up burning his tongue and he still can't taste his meal even till now. Jake was furious and banned Lo'ak from flying his ikran for a month. Although the plan didn't come from Lo'ak, he still got equal punishment as his accomplices.

"Bro, that wasn't even our fault. Mukata thought of it." He complains, hopefully convincing his friends of another trouble.

"Dude, we can't, you can't either. Your father banned you from flying your ikran, remember? Let's just stay out of trouble for now, it's not that hard." Arutey argues. He walks off towards the fleeing party of Neteyam to join the training.

"He's right, Lo'ak. Your father won't be happy to see you get into another trouble. Just try to lay low for a week or so." Rawn's lips agape into a thin smile, to maybe encourage Lo'ak to take his advice. He walks away, following Arutey towards the young warriors in training, leaving Lo'ak alone.

"Fine, have fun shooting arrows at utumautis, pussies." He whispers to himself as he walks off.

Walking past the village towards the deeper part of the forest to call for his ikran. He knows he isn't allowed but he won't take long, he won't do anything stupid either. Just a little flight to get his mind at ease.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 : 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖   ، lo'ak x ocWhere stories live. Discover now