𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿. "c̶h̶o̶r̶e̶s̶ u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ e̶c̶l̶i̶p̶s̶e̶"

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Warm tones in the sky accompanied with the engulfing darkness that floods every flora and fauna. The bioluminescent flecks gradually begin to glow as the eclipse casts a transient shadow over the working Na'vi in the Omatikaya clan.

The eclipse signals to the majority of Omatikaya villagers that it is time to end their work and call it a day; however, Lo'ak and Yineri are now exempt from this norm. As punishment for their dispute, they are forced to serve as the clan's personal maid until they rekindle their friendship or at the very least learn to tolerate one another as counseled by Jake. Both of them claim to have a bigger ego than the other, making the Olo'eyktan's advice and constant lambasting pointless.

Their directives are clear: no bringing others to help, do the tasks given, and help each other get through the day together — as simple as that — a little way to bring them closer. Lo'ak and his friends, however, despise adhering to the rules.

Even though there should just be the two of them, Arutey and Rawn always find their way to gossip with Lo'ak as he cleans which always leads to them diverting his attention. Now they murmur together in hopes of not distracting Yineri as well. Ever so often, they would react like capricious little girls that would make Yineri turn her head halfway with furrowed brows and a solicitous glare.

Since nowadays they are always in close proximity to Yineri, Rawn — who is often quiet — is proving to be the exact opposite of what she had imagined. When Lo'ak reveals his possible love relationship with Petika, Rawn exclaims, "Are you kidding?! Petika?"

Lo'ak rolls his eyes and snickers, perceiving Rawn's reaction in a complimentary way. "Yeah, I would consider myself lucky," he admits, slightly gloating.

"No dude, that's not a compliment," Rawn corrects, "Petika isn't well liked by older people, most even think she's too touchy...?" Lo'ak's brows knit. He knows she had past lovers, quite a few actually, but what does Rawn mean by touchy?

"Touchy how?" He queries.

Rawn purses his lips, looking over to Arutey for assistance. He knows better than to offend his best friend, knowing Lo'ak's fists will probably be the last thing he sees for tonight if his words aren't chosen properly. "Well... umm... she's kind of-"

Arutey cuts him off, "Some women whisper about her and call her a 'woman of the streets'," he announces whole heartedly. From the corner of his eyes he spots Yineri turning her attention to them.

"What- Bro, what the fuck did you just say?!" The Sully boy starts to get aggressive, he rises from his sitting position and pushes Arutey lighty.

Arutey's arm shoots upward as a sign of defeat. "Dude, calm down, I'm just saying that your parents might not approve of her because she has more hoes than you," he tries to ease Lo'ak's irritation with a light-hearted joke.

Rawn's part in separating the two from each other is nothing, he seems to be more concerned by Yineri's lingering eyes on the three of them. Her whole body is turned towards the three Na'vi boys, calculating the right time to stand in between them.

Rawn worriedly whispers, "Bro, stop, Yineri is looking at us." The slight mention of another presence that they completely forgot made them abruptly pull away from each other and simultaneously rotate their skull to face the loner girl.

"Lo'ak, your friends are not supposed to be here," Yineri's threat rolls out as a bitter input.

"They'll be going soon," the Sully boy replies, a little rumble in his voice as the trepidation starts to flourish in his mind. She has seen too much, heard too much; if she wanted to, she can tell his father what he's been up to. Not like he's scared of her for knowing, it's entirely his mistake for not finding a secluded space to unleash his secrets to his friends, but the Yineri he knows — or used to know — would use every knowledge she has of someone into doing something for her. She possesses it as a pernicious characteristic as well as a huge strength.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 : 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖   ، lo'ak x ocWhere stories live. Discover now