𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘅. "a̶p̶p̶r̶o̶p̶r̶i̶a̶t̶e̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶"

205 11 5

It took the two quite a bit of disputing before they came to a compromise, but by that time, noon had already passed and the gatherers had moved on to other plantations.

Not far from the utumauti orchard is the tumpasuk vineyard, where the other gatherers currently coaction to reap its hanging upended berries—it is also where Swalta was reportedly last seen.

Four laden trugs mountain on Lo'ak's arms as he and Yineri ponderously make their way across the grove. It is only nous for Yineri to guide the path, given that she's effortlessly carrying only two baskets, but it also means her strides are faster than her companion's.

"I can see the tumpasuk trees, can you see the big man?" Lo'ak yells breathlessly, the tower of utumautis obscuring his front field of vision, leaving him with only his left or right side to look at.

"I think that is him over there." She points towards the blurry yet fairly distinguishable physique of the one Lo'ak calls 'big man'.

The boy huffs, his eyes circling. "Yes, perfect, I can definitely see him," he mutters acerbically under his breath. He interrupts his steps, settling his basket on the grass, then proceeds to arch rearward to pop his back.

"Were you saying something?" Yineri glances back in an effort to hear him properly. His look of exhaustion causes her brow to curl that eventually leads to a snicker. "Already tired? I thought you said you can take all four of those?" Her lips arise into a satirical, petulant moue, to which Lo'ak once again rolled his eyes.

"Go up to Swalta and tell him we have the fruits," he instructs, paying no mind to her sardonic averment.

In an instant, Yineri's sneer descends into vexation, as an apprehensive tonality laces her words, "No way, he will for sure yell at me."

"Not my problem," he shrugs indifferently. Yineri shakes her head, feet planted firmly on the ground, to demonstrate her fidelity to her words. Lo'ak ignores her stationary persistence and continues to plan out her approach to Swalta. "When you go up to him, tell him "Hey, we have your fruits, bitch!""

"I am not saying that. If you want him to know that, then you say it." She eventually settles her baskets on the sod, seeing as this conversation will likely lead into a discourse.

Lo'ak grumbles discernibly. "Yineri, just go up to him, I can barely take another step with these baskets," the imperious whine in his voice holds a hint of dramatic exhortation.

"That is your problem. You were the one who insisted you could carry them." She folds her arms above her chest.

With a melodramatic swipe to his forehead in an attempt to remove an iota of sweat, Lo'ak once again insists, "I'm too tired to argue. Just go up to him and tell him."

No amount of excuses from him can make Yineri falter in her stance as she straightens her back as if it weren't already straight and tilts her head to the side with an aloof expression.

Lo'ak narrows his eyes, sighing with a conquered look, and says, "Please... dude," he adds a nickname for a less formal salutation.

An impish smirk stretches across Yineri's lips. "Who am I to resist a begging man?" she croons, hoisting the trugs onto her secluded arms and rotating her form to Swalta's direction. With immense pride, she approaches him as if her goading brought her triumph.

Pursed lips and wrinkled brows—Lo'ak is rendered speechless; his mouth opens and shuts while his eyes oscillate in search of a thought. "Wha- I'm not- I wasn't begging for shit!" He finally finds words to let out; unfortunately, Yineri is already too far ahead to hear him.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 : 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖   ، lo'ak x ocWhere stories live. Discover now