𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲. "b̶y̶g̶o̶n̶e̶ s̶o̶b̶r̶i̶q̶u̶e̶t̶"

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The friendly sky-people roaming near the clan like to count the days by the amount of times eclipse has engulfed the ether into a lasting Earthly dusk — specifically, seven nights forms a week. According to Norm, an anthropologist, Jake's closest friend since he was an avatar driver, the humans like to tally their days, and since the scientists no longer reside on Earth they keep the familiarity by calculating night and day.

The Sully kids are one of the privileged children to know about this, including Yineri, since throughout her youth was spent with Lo'ak, and their childhood revolved around either hunter training or human anthropology, predominantly, the different languages and slangs used.

Jake Sully speaks English and it was only clear that he wanted his children to learn it as well. Though Yineri is from a native blood, an actual Na'vi instead of a hybrid, she attended an English class with the Sully kids taught by a xenolinguist and soon was able to utter broken English.

Their wisdom about the sky people's nature only increased their allure in their peers' viewpoint, but the Sully kids' popularity had the biggest impact on Lo'ak, specifically.

He taught his friends how to cuss in English and since they were all young, they found it recherché and imposing. Because of all this, he was deemed cool and for a prolonged period, it was his way to make connections, whether romantically or platonically — he gained people on his side.

Girls his age would gawk at him, and when his aversion for a certain someone began to burgeon, these girls came as a distraction and gave him the succor he longed for. However, the more he enjoyed it, the faster it faded. Lo'ak's little scandal shortly became trivial, and the biased solace he got dwindled. Nevertheless, Lo'ak is still well-liked, and even now, he continues to draw attention from people by simply conversing with them.

Depending on the situation, it can be a benefit or a curse, especially now with his new infatuation.

His developing relationship with Petika has him conflicted. The talk with his friends bothers him greatly; the idea of having a bigger future with Petika troubles him, whether it's the possibility that his parents will not approve of her or the uncontrollable truth that all his revering is caused by his petty, one-sided rivalry with his brother. It is all quite bewildering, but she has done nothing wrong, so he continues to entertain her despite his uncertainty

Their tryst has been happening ceaselessly for a week, every rise of eclipse. Some time during said week, Lo'ak queried sanction to properly court her in public; Petika declined and expressed her skepticism; Lo'ak, being the understandable and indulgent person he (at times) is, consented to proceed their relationship slowly. Petika, however, broke her own edict and brought gifts to most of their dates as if she was the suitor; the occurrences became so frequent to the point where Lo'ak breached their pact and brought gifts as well.

The great hunt of the talioang's annual migration takes place overmorrow, and the entire clan is engrossed with preparations for the hunt festival that'll take place the same day

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The great hunt of the talioang's annual migration takes place overmorrow, and the entire clan is engrossed with preparations for the hunt festival that'll take place the same day. While the other hunters are expected to be preparing for the hunt, other punishment-related activities are given to Yineri and Lo'ak days before, like cleaning the communal area, gathering fruits to be turned into juices, and collecting wood for the fire.

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 : 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖   ، lo'ak x ocWhere stories live. Discover now