Chapter 16

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"I can't believe you didn't know such a simple thing," retorted Lady Loraine.

Sierra shook her head and sighed, "To think that the princess has to put up with someone like you."

Angelina said as sad as she could, "I pity our princess. She has to deal with you as a sister? Oh my, if I was Her Highness, I don't know how I'd ever live!"

"Right?" agreed Sierra. "I would never be able to show my face in public again!"

Angelina smirked and asked, "How ever do you put up with it, Your Highness?"

They all turned to Kaitlyn, who put her cup down.

"Please," she replied. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't even have a sister."

Harry felt hopeless and scorned by the noble girls, but none of their insults compared to what Kaitlyn had just said.

"Oh!" they all snickered.

The table was soon flooded with the sound of their ever-growing laughter, and all Harry could do was sit in the center and take it without even saying a single word.

The reason for the situation now was because of the events that happened a few hours earlier before the tea party had started.


Harry was a third wheel on her parent's date, it was originally supposed to be a picnic date for the two of them at the garden veranda, but Caroline insisted that Harry should join them.

"Really?" Harry asked quite shocked. "You also think I'm ready for such an event?"

"Of course, you are!" Caroline exclaimed.

The king joined in on the conversation, "Why wouldn't you be ready? You've worked hard in those classes."

"That's right, Harry!" cheered Caroline.

"Yeah, you might as well put those skills to use," agreed the king.

Harry smiled gently as the compliments overflowed. "If my mother and His Majesty say so, then, how can I not go?"

"And you won't be alone," added the king. "Kaitlyn is going with you."

Harry responded quickly, "Yes," she said, her smile unwavering.

"Is that so?" asked Caroline. She then turned her attention back to Harry. "But what made you choose that invitation out of all of the others? Didn't you receive a lot of invitations?"

"Yes, I did," Harry answered. "I received so many that I was unsure of what to do, but Paula suggested choosing one that really spoke to me, so . . . um . . . I chose Lady Angelina's invitation."

"Why?" Caroline asked.

"Oh, um, because it was the brightest. It was very pretty with jewels decorated all around the card. She was also very polite in her letter."

"I understand, but Harry, just because something is pretty and flashy doesn't mean it's good," warned Caroline.

"Yes, Mother," replied Harry. She felt happy to be receiving advice from her mother.

"Now, finish your tea before you leave."


Back in her room, Harry had been pacing around anxiously. "Are you going to attend the party?" Varian asked her. He had been watching her from the doorway.

"Yes," Harry answered. She paced back and forth even quicker. "My teacher said it was a good opportunity, and that I was ready, and my mother agreed with her."

"Then you're ready," he responded. Harry stopped pacing and looked at him with teary eyes. "You think so too?" she whined.

"You've worked hard, right? Why not put those skills to use?"

"That's what they said too!"

"Well, it's true."

"You're coming, right?"

Varian sighed, "Well, the princess's guard has to go wherever she goes."

Harry's personal maid loudly knocked on the open door. "Princess Harry," she called. "'Tis I, Paula!"

Harry hurried to get on the sofa; she tried to fix her posture to look like a perfect princess.

"We need to start getting you ready now," said Paula in a both nervous and excited tone. She snapped her fingers, and many other maids hurried into the room. They all plowed over Varian before he even had time to react. Harry was just as shocked as he was.

"Um," she said uncomfortably.

Several of the maids went into her closet, and each of them came back, holding a dress. "Now," said Paula clapping her hands this time. "Please pick the dress you desire."

Harry and the maids had a lot of trouble choosing an outfit.

"I can't believe you didn't like any of them, Princess."

Harry covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, they are all just too good for me."

The maids shared the same concerned look with one another. "Alright," Paula sighed. "Go find the plainest dress."

After sixteen failed attempts, the maids finally coaxed Harry into wearing a long blue dress with long sleeves, it was a terribly plain dress.

"Princess, at least let us do your hair," pleaded Ruby.

Harry reluctantly agreed, so they fixed her hair into a rolled-back bun.

Once they were finished, Harry went out to meet up with Varian, who had been banished outside the room by her maids.

"I'm sorry for making you wait," said Harry as she stepped outside to greet him. "Sh-shall we get going?"

The two stood quietly alone together in the corridor. He stared at her silently.

"Is it too much after all?" Harry asked him concerned.

Varian did not respond; he was too busy thinking that it was too plain for a princess. Once he finished his thoughts, he turned his back to her and walked forward. When he had created a far enough distance, he replied, "No, it isn't." He actually thought that she was being too shameless.

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