Chapter 17

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(Layla's POV)

After my shower, I simply got into the first pajamas I saw and collapsed onto the bed. Valentina left. She probably doesn't want to deal with an emotional mess like me. I stared out the window from the bed for what seems like hours. The sun was shining it's last few rays before I heard the door open. Wordlessly, my girlfriend slipped off her shoes and laid down next to me, encircling her strong, long arms around me.

"Baby, I know why you are upset. Miss Ria told me. But, if what she said is true then you can't stay here sitting around being depressed. You will be queen one day. Your people will need you to lead and serve them. I know it's scary but I'm right here beside you. I love you, Layla." She whispered softly into my ear. Tears welled up in my eyes, as I turned so I was facing the beautiful girl beside me. I pressed my lips softly against hers before snuggling even closer. Val planted a kiss on my forehead and combed her fingers through my hair as I began drifting to sleep.
(Ria's POV)

"Hey bitch!" Exclaimed a very drunk Celestial.

"What?" I replied with fake annoyance, failing to hide my smile.

"I just wanted to tell you dat you my bestest friend in da world." She slurred giving me a bear hug.

"Yes, I know, your my bestest friend to. Now go to Matthew." I told her patting her back. With a huge grin, she starting making her way to her husband, nearly stumbling to the ground. From across the room I could her yelling "Baby give me a kiss". I shake my head as an arm sneaked it's way around my waist. I look up to see Breeze smiling down at me.

"This is turning out to be a great party, is it not?" She commented, watching our dear friends. Those who were married, were cuddling and kissing while the rest of singles were taking weird selfies, drunkenly dancing, and chatting with whoever came their way.

"Guys!" Blake yelled over the commotion. Everyone turned to face him.

"We should play truth or dare." He said with daring smile. It's like we were kids all over again. Though everyone else seemed interested and made their way to the center of the room and seated themselves on assorted furniture.

"Okay, I'll choose the first person." My fabulous friend announced. He set his eyes on Emerald, Celestial's twin sister. They were similar in looks with the same paler skin, grey-blue eyes, nose structure, and hair however Emerald dyed her hair to different shades of dirty blonde and black bottom layer. However, she was shorter, had a different eye shape, different cheek bones and the area around her right eye was marred from child birth which she simply covered with her side bangs. I honestly thought she looked beautiful with the oddity. She's silent and reserved when you first meet her but once she warms up to you, it's revealed that she is a loyal, psychotic barrel of fun. At the moment, she's the most famous time jumper in the world which slightly messed up the way she see things. When she looks at someone she can see their entire timeline all at once. Anyway, she looked slightly scared as Blake looked at her. I would be too.

" Truth or dare?" He asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Truth?" She asked more than stated. Blake looked down thoughtfully before an evil grin made it's way to his face.

"If you had to have sex with anyone is this room who would it be?" He questioned. She looked around before simply answering "Myself". This answer was accepted due to the fact most of us were to drunk to argue. Emerald looked at her sister.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Celestial answered with a smirk.

"I dare you to not touch Matthew in anyway for a whole round." She challenged. Celestial's face fell.

"No, I forfeit, you meanie." She exclaimed before crossing her arms and pouting.

"Can she do that?" Emerald asked, looking over at Blake who shrugged. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Breeze smiling wickedly.

"Yes, but now she has to drink this." Breeze declared, holding a giant plastic cup filled with an odd colored liquid.

"What the hell is that?!" I yelled, scooting away slightly.

"It's a secret." She told me with a wink. Celestial looked at the content of the cup wearily.

"If I drink this will I die?" She  interrogated. Breeze just shook her head and handed her the cup. Hesitantly, Celestial sipped the strange beverage. Her face scrunched up in disgust as she struggled to keep the drink down. We all chuckled.

"I hate you Breeze! I'm not your friend anymore!" She cried childishly which only cracked us up more.

"Whatever biatch, choose someone." Breeze teased. Celestial's eyes flickered from person to person. From Dom, Matthew's brother and his wife Castiala, to her brother Lucifer and his wife Malus and their daughter Elizabeth, to Blake, to Breeze, and finally her grey blue eyes rested upon me.

"Ria, truth or dare?" She challenged smiling. Oh dear god, what is she planning? I took a gulp of my Smirnoff (ran alcoholic drink that tastes like sprite) before answering.


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