Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Visitor

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Author's Note: Before you start reading this story, please note BEFORE COMMENTING that we are taking Poppy from a very out of character perspective (one of years of psychological abuse at the hands of a former lover) and working our way to the Poppy we know and love.


Another day, another boring list of things that she needed to file, or sort through, or fill out. She wished she had taken a job in the Department of Mysteries as an unspeakable with Natty, or as an auror with Garreth and Sebastian. At least then she'd be getting some kind of action outside of the office. But no, she had decided on something safe after graduation. Something that wouldn't require her to fight the way she had during her fifth year at Hogwarts.

It had been six years since Victoria Finch had defeated Ranrok's armies and Rookwood's Ashwinders.

Six years since she and Ominis, who had been the one to get her this cushier position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures thanks to his connections, had decided better against turning in Sebastian for the murder of his uncle.

Six years since she had locked herself behind four walls to file paperwork day in and day out to finally get a break in the constant combat that plagued her years at the illustrious school of magic.

Victoria sighed, running a hand through the thick, kinky black locks as she eyed the stack of paperwork waiting to be filed between people coming in for an audience. A groan escaped her lips as she dropped her head back against her chair. The days seemed to be dragging on lately, and she was becoming desperate for a vacation.

The door to her office propped open as an older woman peeked her head in, her watery blue eyes catching sight of Victoria before clearing her throat, prompting Victoria's head to snap up from where she'd leaned it back.

"Miss Finch, I have a young lady here looking for an audience with a member of the Ministry. I see you happen to have a free time slot. Shall I send her in?" The older woman's voice wavered hesitantly.

"Yes, that would be splendid, Gertrude. Thank you." Victoria pushed herself up in her chair, straightening her shirt and jacket as the older woman retreated.

She straightened up the piles of paperwork and cleared a decent amount of space, shoving quills to the side as she awaited whoever was there to see her. The door cracked open again, a small woman cautiously making her way into the office.

Victoria immediately snapped to attention, her eyes widening in recognition of the person that had just entered her space. The tiny woman sported dark skirt that reached her calves, topped with a pastel yellow dress blouse. Her brunette bob was partially pulled back with pins, her sideswept fringe hanging softly above her brown eyes. They both smiled wide as they caught the other's gaze.

"Poppy Sweeting. It's wonderful to see you!" Victoria stood up, strolling around the desk to envelope the small woman in a hug, squeezing her tightly before holding her at arm's length.

"Victoria Finch, it has been far too long." Poppy pushed herself from her arms, a smile spread wide on her face. They moved to sit, the brunette setting down a folder before smoothing her skirt under her knees.

"What can I help you with today, Poppy?"

"Oh, um I'm here to file this paperwork and see if I can get approved for a permit. I'm trying to open a beast sanctuary just outside of London." Poppy slid the folder toward her, her fingers lingering on the desk.

Victoria took the folder, pulling the paperwork out and flipping through it. Her thin, ebony fingers slid between the pages as she examined the contents, ensuring all of the information was properly filled out.

"Everything looks to be in order, all the information is filled out..." She set the papers back down and folded her hands. "I can get these sent up for you as quickly as possible and see if we can have that permit by the end of the week."

Poppy's smile was accompanied by a slightly breathy laugh, her clasped hands landing in her lap.

"Oh, that would be amazing, Tori. I am in desperate need of more space for these creatures, and I've managed to get my hands on a decent sized plot of land just outside the city limits. Getting this permit could make a serious difference in the rescue of poached animals."

Victoria's heart fluttered at the excitement displayed in the small woman's eyes, and she was glad her skin was dark enough to keep her from seeing the blush she felt creeping up her neck.

"Of course. You know I'm always willing to help in the conservation of magical beasts, Poppy dear." She smiled softly at her friend, straightening the small stack of paperwork to prepare it for filing.

"Well." Poppy's eyes dropped to her lap before she stood, her hands smoothing over her skirt. One hand came up to brush her hair behind her ear, something Victoria had come to associate with the smaller woman being nervous. "I best be going, lest my visit flow into any other time slots you have. It was wonderful to see you again, Tori."

Victoria watched Poppy leave, finally finding her breath once she was alone again in the office space. Had Poppy always had this effect on her?


If you'd like to check out some of
my other ship works, I have written/am
working on writing a few others!

(I am a HUGE Sebastian simp so I'm saving
his for last, and I plan to go all out on that
one so chapters may not come out as fast
as they did with Ominis, and I'm hoping the
writing will be better than this one)

The Heart of the Serpent - Ominis Gaunt/Laurel Blake (OC)

Rose Gold - Garreth Weasley/Aurora Rosier (OC)

All stories are cross-posted to Ao3

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