Chapter 3 - Surprise Dinner Date

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She hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings, and she immediately regretted it upon exiting the restaurant. The world spun a bit before she found herself on her hands and knees, the concrete below her cold against her skin. This was just an amazing end to an already awful evening.

There was a soft pressure against her shoulder, and she vaguely became aware of the force that had caused her to topple. Victoria looked to the area beneath her and sucked in a sharp breath, her face burning with a ferocious heat.

"While this view of the stars is beautiful, this concrete isn't the most comfortable spot to lay." Of course she had knocked over Poppy Sweeting.

The tiny brunette was splayed out beneath her, propped up slightly on her elbows. Despite their position, she was smirking up at the woman positioned over her. Victoria scrambled to stand, holding one hand out to help the smaller woman. Poppy's hand clasped hers as she was hauled up to her feet, the warmth of her palm spreading up through her arm.

"I'm so sorry, Poppy. I didn't notice you on the other side." She wiped her hands on the fabric of her pants, splaying her fingers across her leg.

"Oh, it's quite alright. Accidents happen, it's no big deal." Poppy smoothed her skirt, her hand reaching up to her shoulder to adjust the strap of her bag.

"What um... What are you doing here?" She posed the question with an air of hesitance. "I figured you would have been out in the country trying to set up that sanctuary you're working on."

"Oh, I was. But a girl's got to eat at some point." Poppy laughed softly, one small sunkissed hand coming up to push her hair back behind her ear. "Any particular reason you're leaving this restaurant in such a rush?"

Victoria hummed, stuffing her hands into her pockets and casting her gaze downward.

"What do you say we get dinner somewhere else, my treat," She raised her eyes to Poppy's. "And I'll tell you all about it if you tell me about your rescue center?"


Poppy's face had turned a bright red after Victoria had recounted her experience with Leander, and the gasp that had escaped her mouth had been shrill. Victoria just nodded her head, picking up a piece of the cod on her plate and taking a bite, trying to withhold her laughter.

"Merlin's beard, Tori you didn't. I've heard of him getting slapped, but I never would have expected you of all people to drench him in wine."

"What can I say? I've never been told I should watch my figure before, and I can say I don't particularly like it." She moved to take a sip of her gin, taking in the appearance of the woman across from her.

Poppy had grown into a beautiful young woman, the rounder cheeks she had as a teen having slimmed to give way to her high cheekbones. Her mocha brown eyes framed by long lashes sparkled with excitement as she smiled, the action bringing attention to her full lips.

Victoria had always had a soft spot for the Hufflepuff, but she had never seen her in this light before. She almost would have passed her sudden notice of the brunette off on the influence of alcohol if she hadn't been plagued by thoughts of her most of the afternoon.

Poppy must have caught her staring because she tapped her fingers against the table, tilting her head to one side, her hair shifting to reveal her pink tinged ears. She felt that heat creep up her face again, and she cleared her throat as she set her glass down, the ice shifting.

"So. Tell me about that rescue center you're working on." She swirled the glass in front of her, her eyes shifting to the alcohol within.

"If all goes well, it's going to be wonderful. I managed to save up enough galleons to buy a good dozen acres of land. It's going to be open skies with a magical barrier, plenty of space to run and thrive, a lot like those vivariums you showed me back at school." Poppy's own hand closed around her glass of mead, raising the amber liquid to her lips before continuing. "You inspired me a lot back then."

Victoria followed Poppy's hand as she lowered the glass after taking a mouthful, before flicking back up to her now flushed face, their gazes meeting. The tiny brunette bit her lip before casting her gaze back down to the now empty plate before her. The silence between them was thick and deafening.

How had they made it through three years in constant close proximity to one another at school together without there ever being this air of awkwardness between them?

"If you'd like, I can walk you home. You know how the streets of the city get after dark." Victoria picked at the skin against her nail under the table.

She had never been this nervous before. Not when she and Sebastian had begun their brief courtship when they were fifteen. Not when she was the only fifth year to have to deal with the sorting hat in front of hundreds of other teenagers. And definitely not when she had spent any amount of time alone with Poppy Sweeting.

Poppy smiled sweetly at her, one hand sweeping her hair behind her ear again, lingering there this time. Her next words were spoken so softly, very out of character for the small woman who was normally so boisterously excitable. "I would like that very much."

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