Chapter 12 - Morning Fun

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They stepped through the floo flame, her hand carefully placed on Poppy's back as they made for the stairs. Her hands moved to grip the fabric of her dress as they climbed, pulling the silk and tulle up and away from her feet. Once they were on the landing, Tori gently grabbed Poppy by the shoulders, turning her so they were facing each other.

"It's been a long night, Pop. Get some rest, yeah?" She placed one hand on Poppy's cheek, cupping her jaw against her fingers as she leaned down to place a kiss to her forehead.

Victoria made her way into her own room after Poppy closed her door, pulling at the strings of her dress, the deep red fabric pooling around her feet followed closely by the woven cloth of her corset. She huffed out a breath as she rubbed her hands over the tender spots where the ribbing had dug into her skin. Digging around in her drawers, she pulled out a night shirt and pants, slipping into the soft men's wear before flicking her wand at the light and climbing under the duvet on her bed.

She felt exhausted, the events of the night unfolding in her mind against the dark. Her heart ached at the things Poppy had divulged, beyond angry that someone could hurt her the way her ex had. Poppy had lost her spark, something that made Tori's heart thump painfully in her chest. But if she could help Poppy get at least a semblance of herself back, with Merlin as her witness, she'd do anything it took.

It felt like it took an eternity to fall asleep, which wouldn't have been so unusual for Tori on any given night. But drinking always made her sleep easy, and given that they had been drinking for the third time that week, it stood to reason that Tori should have fallen asleep far quicker than she did. The exhaustion was finally taking over when the click of her door opening pulled her back into the world of consciousness.

Tori opened her eyes, trying to adjust them to the darkness of her moonlit room, barely making out Poppy's silhouette. Her hand was outstretched, reaching for Tori when she sat up.

"What's wrong, Poppy?" Tori stifled a yawn against the crook of her elbow as she spoke.

"I can't sleep after... well..." Poppy had pulled her hand back to herself, fidgeting as she shifted from one foot to the other.

Tori was too tired to even argue anything, nor would she entertain the idea of sending Poppy away after what they had discussed, and she simply threw back the corner of her duvet, patting the mattress next to her before plopping back down on her pillow. The bed sank a bit where Poppy climbed in, her small body pressing gently against Tori's side as she pulled the cover over herself. The warmth alone was enough to make sleep begin to settle over her, but that too was short lived when Poppy slung her arm over Tori's waist.

It took Tori a second to register why her body felt so hot, the heat from Poppy's own body seeping into her skin through the night clothes. She adjusted her arm so that it wrapped gently around Poppy's shoulders, turning herself slightly so that the smaller woman was snuggly pressed to her torso. She couldn't remember the last time she'd fallen asleep with someone in her arms, but having Poppy there just felt so right.

She felt Poppy hum softly where her face was nestled in the crook of her neck, her breathing evening out as she quickly dozed off wrapped in Tori's embrace, before sleep took her as well.



Poppy awoke to the warmth of Tori's arms, hands pressed flat against her back, holding the two of them firmly together. The rhythmic breathing of the taller woman indicated that she was still fast asleep, her hold having slackened slightly through the night. Poppy had never seen Tori this up close and personal while she rested before, but she rather thought she'd like to wake up like every day. She brought one small hand up, gently tracing the contours of Tori's face.

She turned her body slowly, carefully trying to slip out of the bed so she could head to the rescue center. Her feet hadn't even had a chance to touch to the floor before she was yanked back into the bed with a yelp, her back coming in contact with Tori's chest as her arms tightened around Poppy's waist.

"Don't go yet." Tori's words were mumbled below Poppy's ear, her breath hot against the skin there.

Poppy turned her head, expecting to find Tori still partially sleep. Instead, she was met with a small smile and half-lidded eyes. She felt her face flush at the sight, and Tori's chuckle rumbled through her chest.

"Good morning, Pop. Where are you off to so early?" Tori's voice was laden with sleep, the deeper gravelly tone stirring something deep within her gut.

"I was going to head to the rescue." Poppy tried to turn to the edge of the bed again, but Tori's arms tightened once more, her hand snaking down Poppy's side to grip her outer thigh, pulling her more firmly against herself. "The beasts need to be fed."

"I think they'll survive a little bit longer without you." Tori was more alert now, her body looming over Poppy as she propped herself up one elbow.

Poppy could feel the heat of Tori's hand though her nightgown as it slid from its place on her thigh, up her side and back down. Her dark brown eyes were sweeping over Poppy's face, looking for any sign of hesitation. She remembered one of Tori's questions from the night before, about where the unquestioning Poppy that was full of certainty had gone. Looking up at the woman who had been her first real friend at Hogwarts, who had followed her into dangerous situations without even a second of questioning, the woman who had been her first love, flooded her with a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

A feeling of resolution, assuredness and strength. Tori made her want to find herself, to reignite the inferno she had burned so brazenly with before she met Eliza. It made her feel as if the fire within her hadn't truly been stomped out, as if there were still a few embers just waiting for the kindling they needed to set ablaze. If she wanted to heal, to truly go back to who she was, who better to start with than Victoria Finch?

Despite the fluttering of the anxiety building in her chest, Poppy reached her hands up, curling one around Tori's neck and threading her fingers through her hair before pulling her down. She felt Tori brace her arms on either side of her torso, slowing her decent as her eyes flicked to Poppy's lips, almost in a question.

Poppy didn't allow herself time to question her decision, leaning up slightly to press a soft, chaste kiss to Tori's lips, her eyes fluttering closed with a soft moan. The kiss started soft, gentle, cautious as she felt Tori's arm slide under her back, carefully pulling her up against herself. Poppy nipped gently at Tori's lower lip, prompting her to part her lips in an invite for Poppy to deepen the kiss. It quickly devolved into something a bit more eager, a dull ache beginning to form in her lower belly as Tori's tongue tangled with her own.

She felt Tori's hand slip from beneath her, trailing over her ribcage before stopping to cup the swell of her breast through the fabric that separated them. Tori broke the kiss, dragging her lips in a hot path across Poppy's jaw, to her ear, down her neck leaving a trail of wet, open mouthed kisses across her skin. The hand on her torso hungrily grabbed and groped at her chest, pulling soft mewls from between Poppy's lips before she spoke, the reality of her day breaking through the wonderful haze of their morning activity.

"As much as I am thoroughly..." She gasped as Tori's teeth grazed the sensitive skin between her neck and her shoulder. "Enjoying this, the beasts missed their supper."

Tori groaned, the sound muffled against Poppy's skin before she laid herself back down at Poppy's side. "Fine. We'll go this morning. But you best believe I intend to continue this when we get home."

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