Chapter 15 - Of Puffskeins and Liquor

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Three months had passed, the two women continuing their peaceful coexistence, with Poppy having all but moved into Tori's bedroom. There wasn't a night she didn't fall asleep cradled in the other woman's arms despite the sweltering heat that had been summer, and her days had been peacefully spent cleaning up and furnishing the small cottage on the edge of her sanctuary. This day was no different, the summer heat finally beginning to give way to the evening breezes of autumn and cooling the cottage as Poppy and Tori were on the floor near the empty fireplace, each with a large book folded out in front of them, the pages fluttering lightly from the breeze in the open windows.

"I don't think I ever asked you why we're doing this by hand when we have magic." Tori flipped another page, her paint-stained fingers sticking slightly to the edge of the parchment. She sat with her legs crossed, one arm resting heavily on her knee.

"There's just something satisfying about doing it all myself, the muggle way. Allows me to vent any negative emotions, or just use it as a distraction." Poppy didn't look up, her own sun-kissed fingers flipping haphazardly through the pages of her book, her forearm swaying back and forth with the motion from her position on her stomach. "What about this one?" She turned the book in Tori's direction, the taller witch leaning over to look at the image within.

"Overall, it's cute, but if you look at it from just the right angle, it looks like a venomous tantacula made love to a troll and spit out their horribly disfigured offspring."

Poppy snorted loudly at Tori's comparison, dropping her head into her arms to catch her breath from the heavy laughter that ensnared them both before turning the book back to herself and tilting her head. She broke out in another fit of laughter and rolled over onto her back. "Drat, you're right. It's bloody awful." She heaved in air as she tried to compose herself enough to stop giggling every time she tried to breathe. "I think that's enough for today. I don't know if I can look at anymore of those swatches without seeing strange images."

"Agreed. Perhaps it's time for supper. Fish and chips tonight?" Tori stood, stretching her long limbs upward before holding her hands out for Poppy.

"Sounds lovely. My stomach was just starting to grumble." She took her partner's hands, hauling herself onto her feet before they made their way through the floo flame to their home.

They didn't have to walk far to the food stand that regularly traversed their street, handing over a few quid before grabbing their baskets of food and popping down on a nearby bench. Poppy had come to enjoy the small things they did together, this spot having become a place where they often people-watched as they ate, simply enjoying each other's company.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." Tori spoke around of bite of cod, her fingertips closing around one of the chips in her basket, tapping it against the paper. "Natty's back from her newest mission, and she asked me to invite you to our usual Friday drinking session tomorrow. I'd love it if you'd come, you can watch Garreth and Sebastian argue the semantics regarding auror etiquette. It's quite hilarious."

"Am I even allowed to know that information?" Poppy popped one of her own chips into her mouth, savoring the salty flavor of the fried potatoes.

"As long as it's not anything involving Natty's mission, everything is fair game." Tori chuckled at the notion, nudging her shoulder lightly before tossing her basket into the nearby waste bin.


The drinks had come easy, the laughter even easier. Oh, how she had missed her friends so dearly. Two years of constantly being abroad and one spent recovering from Eliza's influence had been far too long away from the ragtag group of mischief-makers. Just as Tori had promised, Garreth and Sebastian fell into a friendly argument over how best to be an auror. Evidently, it came to light that the two men had been assigned as partners upon entering the auror program, their love of competition and troublemaking becoming the basis for what was now a close friendship. It seemed Sebastian handled all research and public relations on any number of their excursions while Garreth manned their potions and charms.

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