Chapter 13 - All In Good Time

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She had never seen a group of puffskeins be so aggressive about their food, given the fact that Deek had ensured her beasts were fed on the regular inside her vivariums. The kneazles she had expected, but when Poppy told her to herd the puffskeins into a makeshift chicken coop and brace herself against the door while she filled their feeders, she hadn't thought she meant it literally. The creatures were small in size, and generally as sweet as sugar, but Tori began to wonder what she had gotten herself into when she heard their incessant growling and felt them throwing themselves against the door at the smell of food.

Poppy had laughed at the expression of distress on her face, her feet dug into the ground to keep the beasts at bay, thankful she had worn pants instead of a skirt. Of course, once they had been released and fed was another story, having returned to their naturally cuddly selves. The two women stood, arms resting against the gate of the pen as Poppy began to recount facts and tales of the beasts she had encountered thus far in her excursions.

Tori rested her cheek on her fist, a small smile gracing her lips as she watched in awe how Poppy was able to spit out facts left and right. The excitement and enthusiasm in her voice as she spoke about the creatures was enthralling, and Tori's heart warmed at how happy she was to share in her passions. She let out a small chuckle when Poppy threw her arms up as she spoke of yet another creature she'd come across in America.

Poppy glanced at her then, the smile quickly fading from her face as she rested her hands on the wooden gate, biting her lip and looking away. "Sorry. I know this probably isn't the most entertaining subject. I can stop if you'd like."

"No, please don't. I enjoy hearing about your adventures around the globe, and the things you've seen." Tori shifted herself, placing one hand over the small, sun-kissed one braced against the gate. "I could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored."

Poppy looked to her again, her cheeks tinging with pink and a small spark in her eyes. She nudged Tori with one shoulder, her lips tilting up in a smile of her own. "Perhaps we should feed ourselves as well? I'm famished."

"Oh absolutely. Just name the place, love, and we'll be on our way." Tori stood, flicking her wand at the enclosure to ensure it stayed secure and locked while they were out.

"How about that diner down by the house? The one you were coming out of when you dropped me on my back." Poppy chuckled when Tori barked out a laugh as they made their way through the cottage.

It had come a long way in a month, what with Poppy spending every waking hour fixing it up while Tori worked in her office at the Ministry. She had finally gotten the go ahead to turn the place into a working beast sanctuary and rescue for the London area, provided she keep the wards up to keep muggles at bay and only allowed the cottage that was to be her home visible as a deterrent.

Tori took Poppy by the elbow before they set off through the floo flame, going a bit slower so she didn't have to keep the smaller woman from falling flat on her face. Poppy had sneezed from the dust as they came out in the townhouse, a flurry of the green powder coating the lower layers of her hair. Tori laughed, sweeping her hands through the ends of her chocolate brown bob to clear the substance before they set off toward the restaurant.

The walk was peaceful, with Poppy continuing to regale Tori with stories, including one from right after they had graduated where she had managed to unleash a horde of angry kneazles and hippogriffs on an entire poacher camp to save Highwing's chick. She excitedly turned to the taller woman and grabbed her hand, the other coming to her chest.

"Oh, it was absolutely fantastic, Tori. Oh..." Poppy released Tori's hand with a slight gasp, her cheeks burning red as she looked back down at the pavement below them. "Sorry, I just got a bit excited."

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