Chapter 9 - Wine Fueled Emotions

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"Do you remember that time Garreth asked me to the Yule Ball in seventh year? Oh Merlin, that was a disaster proportionate to that experimental potion he managed to get you to drink in sixth year." Poppy's laughter rang out at how exasperated Tori sounded, as Tori rolled her eyes, taking another mouthful of wine.

"Oh gods, I had completely forgotten about that. His dancing was almost as bad as poor Ominis' he was so obsessed with glaring over his shoulder." Poppy's chest heaved with each word as she tried to stifle another bout of laughing at the memory, her lungs burning. She threw herself back, her head landing softly in Tori's lap as she fought the urge to laugh.

"I told him, he should have just asked Adelaide like he had intended to, but he was being so stubborn. He was insistent that jealousy was the way to a woman's heart. Now look at him, shacked up with her like it never happened." Tori swirled the red liquid as she set the glass down, the fingers on her other hand finding their way into Poppy's chocolate locks, sweeping them back from her face. "He's very insistent that's not how it happened, and poor Addie just laughs and nods her head."

They settled into a comfortable silence, the feeling of Tori's fingers against her scalp soothing her frayed nerves, much in the way they used to do when they were teenagers. Everything was just so easy with Tori, and Poppy found herself wondering if this is what it should have been like with Eliza in the beginning. Victoria never seemed to mind the physical contact, even going so far as to welcome it where Eliza had been insistent that Poppy keep her displays of affection to herself. Victoria checked on Poppy when she had gotten overwhelmed at the rescue, where Eliza would have just rolled her eyes and called her overdramatic.

Poppy closed her eyes against the rhythmic movement, bringing her hands to rest on her stomach, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She had missed this closeness between them, the way she could just forget the outside world and relax into her touch. She was jolted from her peace briefly when Tori adjusted herself, sliding her legs to either side of Poppy, pulling her into resting against her chest.

Poppy's cheeks flushed hot when she realized she was nestled between Tori's breasts, her back flush against the taller woman's stomach. Tori's long fingers continued to rake softly through her brown bob, occasionally brushing against her face, the contact sending shivers down Poppy's spine. She felt Tori's other hand land softly on her shoulder before rubbing gently down her upper arm and trailing back up. Poppy thought her heart was going to break its way out of her ribcage with how hard it was hammering in her chest, and she couldn't discern if the heat in her body was from the alcohol or the flush on her skin.

"Poppy." Tori's voice was low, reverberating up through Poppy's back.

She slightly adjusted herself, tilting her head to the side to get a clear view of Tori's face. She felt her breath hitch in her throat when their eyes met, the wanton look in Tori's dark eyes sending a dull ache shooting straight to her core. Poppy let out a small gasp as Tori's hand came up to cup her cheek, fingers splaying out over her jaw, her thumb brushing softly over Poppy's lower lip.

She pushed herself closer to a sitting position, careful not to move too far from Tori's reach, thankful that her long legs were braced on either side of her small body, keeping her from falling over the edge of the couch. Poppy placed one pale hand to the side of Tori's hip, the other wrapping around her wrist. She felt herself holding her breath as Tori leaned into her, lips ghosting over her own as if asking permission while her other hand fanned out across Poppy's lower back.

Poppy closed the distance, pressing a soft, tentative kiss to Tori's lips before the other woman tangled her fingers in the hair at the base of her skull. She was pulled up against Tori, crushing their mouths together fervently, eliciting a small moan from Poppy. Tori's teeth nipped at her lower lip, pulling a gasp from the small woman before slipping her tongue between the seam of her lips.

Poppy relished in the velvet feel of Tori's tongue against hers as she tilted her head slightly, slotting their mouths more firmly against each other. She pushed herself to her knees, one hand bracing herself against the arm of the couch while the other slid up to Tori's shoulder. The kiss was heavenly, and Poppy drank it in like the nectar of the gods, her pulse thrumming through her. The hand that was on her back slid up between her shoulder blades and pulled her forward, pressing their bodies firmly together and causing that dull ache to throb.

She felt her legs being firmly pulled so that she was straddling the woman beneath her, her skirt riding up her thighs to bunch at the joint between her legs and hips. Poppy groaned when Tori broke the kiss, her lips trailing down her jaw to her throat, and pushing the fabric of her blouse aside to nip at the sensitive skin over her collarbone. The moan that escaped her lips was desperate, filled with need.

Tori's hands were on her hips then, her fingers gliding under the fabric of her shirt and sending tiny electric currents through her at the contact. The heat that radiated out from her palms against Poppy's stomach and waist was bliss, and she found it difficult to bring air into her lungs as Tori's hands traveled upwards, lifting her shirt higher with each inch they went. She dropped her lips back to Tori's, her moan vibrating between them, prompting Tori to slide her hands back to Poppy's waist and pull her down against her own body.

The sudden pressure of her sex against Tori's abdomen brought her crashing back in to reality, and she broke the kiss, leaning back a bit. Her chest heaved as she tried to gulp in air, her eyes searching Tori's face. She took note of the wild look on Tori's face, her pupils blown wide and her lips swollen and bruised. She had never seen someone look at her with such want and desire, and yet her heart plummeted into her stomach when she caught sight of the now abandoned wine bottle and glasses. Had Tori only desired her when she was under the influence?

Poppy pried herself from the taller woman's embrace, straightening her clothes with a brush of her palms before biting her lip. She couldn't meet Tori's gaze, her eyes darting to the floor before she took a cautious step back.

"I'm sorry." She didn't like how small her voice sounded, and it broke her as she bolted for the stairs, barely noticing Tori stand and reach for her before locking herself in her room.


Poppy had disappeared up the stairs by the time Victoria was able to regain control of her legs. She didn't understand what was happening. Everything had been fine, they had finally pushed past that wall that had been standing between them. Everything had been fine, and within a matter of seconds, Poppy had erected another wall in its place.

Victoria dropped back down onto the couch, running both of her hands through her curls, breathing deeply with every inhale. Had she done something wrong? Had she touched Poppy in a way she shouldn't have? Surely Poppy would have stopped her sooner if she was uncomfortable.

Her heart lurched painfully in her chest, and she grabbed the bottle of wine, taking a large swig of the scarlet alcohol. She stared at the fire, her mind going over every minute detail of their entanglement.

Maybe Poppy wasn't actually interested in her, and it had been the alcohol that had spurred her actions? Another large swig and she gulped down a couple of mouthfuls.

She had practically finished the bottle by the time she made her way up the stairs. As her feet hit the landing, her body swaying slightly, she looked at Poppy's door for a long moment before sighing and moving to her own room. The door closed behind her with a soft click, and she leaned her back against it, sliding down until she was sitting on the floor. Victoria wrapped her arms around her knees and laid her head against them, closing her eyes against the tears that stung at the edges of her vision and letting the wine lull her consciousness away into the darkness.

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