New begining

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Sam didn't sleep or eat properly since her wedding with Kirk.Sam would stay in her room crying all day,not wanting to talk with nobody,bad things going through her head.

Sam didn't felt happiness anymore.Her only source of happiness was Mon and she lost it forever.

Sam didn't fight for their love,she broke her promise once again.Even her friends,Tee,Jim and Kade didn't contacted her lately,Sam though she lost them too.

Now she was all alone,again.Just with her grandmother that didn't seem to notice her breakdown,only once when Sam almost passed out from the lack of food.

Kirk saw that Sam wasn't alright,he saw that she's suffering.It isn't like it's just a phase for her, it started since their wedding and it didn't seem to stop.Kirk was worried about Sam,he regretted everything he did but that didn't help at all.

Sam,truly,wanted to die.

She lost hope,she didn't forgive herself for what she did,for not stopping Mon at the right time,for not being honest with her,for letting her alone.

Sam took care of the company at home, not even wanting to go to the office.Kirk asked her to come to the office like she had done countless times before, but Sam couldn't.She was too broken to go to the place where it all started, where special moments happened with Mon, when she first made her feel alive,when she first made her feel.....loved.

Sam stopped caring about grandma, she made her suffer countless times, always thinking it was her fault and that she had to follow grandma's orders.Sam thought, that in the end, she will end up the same as Song but she also thought about leaving the same as Nueng but it was pointless.

What could Sam do if she left? Her friends distanced themselves from her, she began to think they were no longer friends. What was the point?

Sam was stopped from her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door, wiping the tears from her face and opening the door.

It was her grandmother.

"Sam,what were you doing?I called your name but you didn't answer"

"Sorry grandmother,I didn't hear you"

"Well,Sam,can you let me in?"

I stepped aside signaling with my hand that she can come in. She entered and looked into the room, finally sitting down on the armchair in the room.

"What's happening with you Sam?You didn't seem to be yourself lately and I'm worrying about you"

"Do you really want to know?"

I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I breathed in air to keep them from flowing, my vision starting to blur

"Of course I want to know Sam,I am your grandmother and I-"

"And you what?You want to say that you love me?You say that your worrying about me but you never asked me how I fell."

"Sam,what are you saying?Of course I love you and I want you to be happy-"

"If you wanted me to be happy,you would have accepted me as who I am,but you didn't.You thought just about you and not about me.If you loved me,you wouldn't forced me to marry someone I don't love and with whom I don't want to spend my life"

"Sam,he is the only one that can make you happy,he can protect you from the bad people.Kirk can-"

"He can't,he can't do anything!The only one who can make me happy was Mon,and you know that.You are just a selfish person who think just about them.You took away my only source of happiness and you want me to be okay?!"

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