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I was sitting with my friends on Jim's couch and we were acting like Jim's ex-husband wasn't picked up by the police a few hours ago

We were laughing and we were happy

God I missed this,I missed all of this

We were concerned with what happened in our lives but I didn't tell them what I did with grandmother and how I divorced Kirk

I was to happy to think about that

Mon was sitting beside me,she was holding my hand on her lap

We didn't talked,I mean just us

I don't know,Mon still wants me in her life?
She is holding my hand right now but what if she only acts like that because I'm hurt

Isn't Mon with Nop?Ah wait.
I just thought about it but didn't ask her so I won't jump to conclusions

I want to talk to her,I want to hug her,I want to kiss her...I want to have her again

I was lost in my thoughts but Mon squeezed my hand and looked at me with worry in her eyes

Our eyes were fixated on each other for the thousandth time today.She didn't change

Her hair was a little shorter,I remembered that she cutted her hair when she went to England,her hair grew and it was beautiful.I couldn't take my eyes of her

Her eyes were as beautiful like they're always been.Eyes that had many tears because I was a coward.I hurt her countless times but she always forgave me but I never forgave myself. I made her suffer, I also accused her of cheating on me with Kirk and Nop but she accepted me when I was still engaged with Kirk

I had to hurt her so many times to realize that I was being manipulated and controlled by grandmother..

I will never forgive my grandmother, even if she raised me and told me she loved me, she forced me to marry someone I didn't love, she wanted me to leave my dream to become a housewife just so she can have grandchildren to continue the bloodline

If my parents were still alive, maybe things would be different...Neung wouldn't have left us and Song wouldn't have died in that terrible accident and maybe I...I was accepted for who I am

Unlike grandmother which forces me to be something I am not

I expect a call from her telling me about her health problems and trying to get me to come back, but no. The old Sam died when Mon went to England

But something of the old Sam still exists

Her love for Mon

My heart always beats for Mon, Mon has my heart in her hands and I wouldn't protest if she wants to break it

I can never forgive myself

I was taken out of my thoughts by Mon

"Khun Sam"


"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine,Mon"

Mon looked at me with a disapproving look, of course she didn't believe me. She knows me too well

"Guys,I really want to stay more with you but I need to go with Ariana at her grandparents.I promised Mom I will come to dinner"

"Alright,then we will leave. We will talk on the group and we can meet again"

Said Tee when she stood up with Yuki


Kade said when she stood up as well

Mon stood up and held my hand for me to come with her

I took her hand and stood up,Mon rushing with me to my car

"Tee,I'm gonna leave with Sam!"

"Okay Mon,bye"

Tee waved at us and entered in her car, leaving

She took Kade with her so I was with Mon,we were still holding our hand

Mon turned her fully attention to me

"We really need to talk.We can go to your house,my parents are home and I can't go with you there"


I opened the door for her,she smiled at me and entered then I closed the door and I went into the driver's seat

The ride home was silent,we didn't said anything

After 30 minutes,we arrived and again I went and opened the door for her

Then I went and unlocked the door and let her in

She left her purse and went to sit on the couch, motioning me to sit beside her

I was a little hesitand but..



Mon was still looking at me like she wanted to devour me

"I want to make it official Khun Sam"

"What are you talking about?"

"Khun Sam,I love you.I always did...I don't know if you still want me in your life but all I know is that I want you in my life"

"Mon..I never stopped loving you...I hurted you so many times and you still come to me again.I don't fell good enough for you,maybe you can find someone better who can take care of you -"

"Khun Sam,I want just you in my life,I want to marry you,I want to do everything with you and to die beside you.Khun Sam,I wanted you to do the first move but I can't take it anymore.
Khun Sam,I love you and I always will,please be my girlfriend"

Mon.My Mon was asking me to be her MonMon..

"My heart always belongs to you Mon.I want to be your girlfriend, totally yes"

Mon didn't say anything but she leaned closer and our lips meet again.It was a slow kiss,pasionate full with love

All I ever wanted was here with me

We pulled back and looked at each other,I don't want this to end


"Khun Sam"

"Yes Mon"

"I want to mark you"

"You want what?"

I was stunned,we just got back together and she was telling me she wanted to mark me

Who was I to refuse?

"Mon, isn't it too early?

"Sam,in the first week we got together,it was the same week when we first did it"


"You can't escape Khun Sam"

Mon started coming closer to me,I don't know why I ended up with my back against the couch


"I want you to be mine Sam.Right here,right now"
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