Who is he?

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I finished work today, so I hurried to get to the car. It was 5pm so I had time to go home to change into some simple clothes

I got home  so I rushed to my closet.I changed into a white top,I put on a pair of light blue jeans and some sneakers.

I left home and when I got to Jim's house I saw a man taking Ariana It was Jim's ex-husband I didn't waste any more time and ran after him, standing in front of him with my arms crossed.From his face I realized that Jim didn't know that he took Ariana, so he wanted to kidnap her

"What do you think you're doing?"


"What are you doing with Ariana,from what I know you are restricted from being around her"

"It's not your business"

"Well it is my business if you take away my niece without Jim consent"

"Get out of the way"

"I won't and you aren't taking Ariana nowhere"

He tried to push me aside but I was too angry to lose to him. I had to save my niece

I pushed him and took the girl and let her go home. The man fell and looked at me with a look that wanted to kill me

He jumped on me but I fought him, I was determined not to let myself down

I pushed him again, Ariana ran into the house, I was hoping she would go after Jim

I took my distance from him and saw that he took out a knife. Great, how am I supposed to fight someone armed

He tried to stab me but luckily he only cut my stomach, it will probably leave a scar

He tried one more time but I dodge it and kicked him rght between his legs

The knife fell from his hand and I quickly went to get it. Haha, who's armed now fool?

He got up and saw that I had the knife, he looked at me and I could see the fear in his eyes

Serves you right

I was sitting with the gang and Ariana came to me,scared,taking my arm and draged me outside

She took me outside and pointed at...What?

My ex husband and Sam were fighting

Sam had a knife in her hand and he looked at her scared

He then spotted me and ran to me

"Jim,your friend is crazy,I didn't d anything to her help me!"


"Hey you!"

Sam shouted and she began approaching

He took a few steps back,raising his arms like he got caught

What was happening and why was he on my property

"If you touch Jim or Ariana again I'm gonna kill you!"

"Sam,calm down.What's happening?"

"He tried to kidnap Ariana,when I entered the yard to come to you, he wanted to leave but I stopped him. I made him let go of Ariana and he tried to stab me with the knife but I hit him and took the knife away. Now he pretends to be the victim"

"You wanted to kidnap my daughter!?"

"She is my daughter too!"

"You know you are restricted to come near her!You know what?I'm sick of you,Sam don't let him go,I'm gonna come with the others"

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