1: The dungeon

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The sun rises, and the window pours bight golden light out of it signaling a new day. It pours right into my face.

I groan not wanting to get up today. Moving my arm to reach over my eyes, still clinging to sleep.

However, I would get into serious trouble if I didn't. It was one of my dad's scheduled court days, and of course being the prince and heir to the throne I just had to go.

I removed my arm from my face, allowing the light to hit my eyes. I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms up yawning at the same time. I rolled my shoulders and looked at my alarm clock, yup its morning.

I hopped out of bed and went to my bathroom. Heading straight to the sink and grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth washed my face -to try and wake up- and brushed my hair, ya know normal morning things.

I went out of the bathroom and went to my wardrobe took off my pajamas and reached into it to grab my prince attire. A pair of black boots with gold and white accents, dulled brown pants, a fancy white and gold button up and a white cape with gold underneath.

As I tied the pants up, there was a knock at the door and I knew who it was. I didn't bother saying anything because he would come in anyway.

"Goodmorning sweetface!" Keralis exclaimed closing the door behind him.

"Morning K," I said pulling on the button up and buttoning it up. Keralis walked over to me still with a wide smile on his face.

"So how was you night?" Keralis asked trying to start a conversation.

"The mechanics to turn the light off still work," I say tieing my boots. "I got some pretty good sleep last night," I added as I stood up to grab the cape and pulled it over my shoulder. Keralis grabbed the strings and tied them together making sure it wouldn't fall off during the day.

"...so did you dream about cute boys?~" my face heated up and I punched Keralis's arm.

He started laughing rubbing his arm where I hit, and I covered my face with my hands. What did I do to be taunted?

"I'm kidding sweetface. It was probably about something else," Keralis said patting me on the shoulder.

"-it was probably about kissing cute boys-" Keralis muttered under his breath but it still being loud enough for me to hear.

I would have punched his arm again, but I decided that I didn't hear that comment and that I would continue on with my day. I ran my hand through my hair, preparing myself for a day of sitting in a chair, in a stuffy courtroom, and listening to people plea for forgiveness.... or something like that.

I headed out the door but Keralis stopped me. "Ah ah ah sweetface! Your forgetting something!~" he handed me my crown.

I groaned. "Do I have to wear it? It makes my horns itch with all the gems. Why can't I wear some other type of head jewelry?" I asked not wanting to wear the crown. Keralis just smiled at me.

I grumbled putting the shiny head piece on, and continued out the door, Keralis following behind me.

We walked downstairs to the dining room. Keralis bidding me a farewell at the doorway. I rolled my eyes knowing this was just a fancy see you later.

The table was quite long since we would sometimes have other kingdoms visit, but other then that it had no other reason to be so long. At the end sat my family with my mother and father at the end and my sisters next to them. There was a spot next to my dad that was empty; my spot. I walked over hoping no one would notice how late I was.

"Ahhhh! There he is!" My dad boomed I flinch at his loud voice. Everyone's eyes were on me. I shuffled over to my spot and sat down.

"Goodmorning father," I said nodding to him.

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