Error Sans

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(Name) walked into the cold icy forest; the cold of the forest almost made them want to turn back and go to Toriel's house. They had left to go back home and meet their family again, but they fell into this cave while trying to run from a bear, ducking into a cave and hiding. But it seems (Name) went too far and fell into a hole, and now they are stuck underground with monsters lurking all around them.

A bridge was just ahead of them as (Name) continued to go straight ahead. With one foot, they stepped over a branch and began to move. 

Snap. When (Name) spotted the broken branch from behind, he turned to look for the broken object, but it was nowhere to be found. As they tried to process what had happened, (name) was left staring back at the branch after being startled.

As (Name) walked back in the opposite direction, they made an effort to forget about it. (Name) waited for a moment to see whether they would stop because footsteps were still coming after them. (Name) started to lose consciousness as they slid to the frozen, icy floor.

(Name) woke up in a blank white void; nothing was there but them. It was odd; they weren't used to being this lonely.

The human wandered around the void, trying to see if there was a limit or if it was endless. As they began to walk, they saw a figure in the distance. (Name) examines the figure, trying to see if it is human or not.

The distant figure had no sign of a human skin tone and was made entirely of the hues black, blue, and red. The revelation terrified (Name); what if it was a demon? Or it might be another underground monster—up until now, most monsters have been friendly! (Name) sighed and decided to remain put. They took a seat on the floor and looked at the snowy surface.

It asked, "What are you doing here?" From behind, a glitchy voice asked them a question.

A black glitchy skeleton with two asymmetrical eyes—one with a little yellow pupil and the other with a circle of yellow, blue, and black were visible when (Name) glanced up. He is dressed in a red shirt, black shorts, black slippers, and a black hoodie.

"What the heck?" They backed off out of fear. They stood up and started to go away. They were swiftly pulled back by some blue strings, and (Name) squirmed, trying to escape. They even found that their weight could be supported by the strings, which suggested that they were stronger than they had believed.

(Name) glanced at the skeleton in horror before asking, "So, what's your name?" My name is 

(Name). They believed that by doing this, any lingering negative energy they might have would be released, allowing them to have a normal discourse with the skeleton.

I responded, "Well, I'm Error, and I'm going to eat you." (Name) became anxious and began to perspire as a result of these words. They moaned and accepted their fate as they lay immobile due to the cords securing them.

Error opened his mouth and grabbed them, forcing (Name) down his throat. He drank them fast, and then sat back, patting his belly with satisfaction.

"Thanks for the meal." Error laid down on the floor, he began to fall asleep. (

Name) laid in Error's stomach helplessly but soon, they fell asleep.

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