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Requested by @kasuki_0

(Name) was currently running from.. something they didn't know what it was but would never be too close enough to find out. All the folklore books about bad things happening in the forest are stress-increasing, especially when they live in them. They've been hearing bad things happening, like a string of disappearances tied to the mountain, near where they lived. It was pretty interesting but unlucky for them, they had stepped right in the mouth of it.

It was too dark outside to even see, the small glimpses of moonlight could barely help, only showing a speck. (Name) placed the right onto the ground, only to feel a hole below them, but it was too late, they had fallen in. Everything went black.

(Name) woke up, their whole body felt like it was aching, they could barely muster up the energy to move. They sighed and lay there before forcing theirself to sit up, the poor human winced in pain as they did so. They didn't want to die here, they had barely started, and they need to make it through.

(Name) began to walk, limping as their feet dragged behind them. They walked into the other room to see a small dog-like creature sitting there.

"Oh! How cute!" (Name walked towards the creature about to pet it.

The creature bit their hand, making their hand bleed a bit, luckily the bite wasn't that deep. It then backed away.
"Sorry for that." The creature said, "I didn't mean to do that, have some tem flakes." There was suddenly a box of what looked like corn flakes. The injured human began to eat it, they were starving, and this seemed to be the only the food around. They noticed the wound in their hand was gone.

"So, what's your name?" (Name) asked.

"It's Temmie, the tem."

"So, I got a question, are you some type of dog or cat?" (Name) examined Temmie for a moment. "If so, where are your owners?"

"I'm not a pet, I'm a regular monster."

"Monsters???! There are monsters dow-" A pair of footsteps could be heard, they were probably not far.

"Hide!!" Temmie whisper-yelled before teleporting somewhere else.

(Name) was confused but didn't wanna find out who was there, what if it gave them a painful death? Or uh, what if it was nice like Temmie? (Name) ran away going back into the room where they had fell and played dead.

The thing seemed to have followed them there, which was noticiable by the footsteps getting louder and louder, it looked over at (Name) before leaving again.

(Name) sighs once the footsteps seemed to have turned in the opposite direction and left. They look around to see Temmie by them again.

"Ok, now if you want to get out of here follow me." Temmie rushed out the door.

(Name) followed Temmie, mostly because they had no other choice and Temmie seemed to be the only one worth trusting around here. Though they wondered if Temmie was lying to them, eh Temmie seems trustworthy enough. Why would they lie?

(Name) brushed these thoughts away as they headed towards the red ruins, ready to explore.

(Name) headed out of the ruins and into the coldness of a dark, dimly lit forest. It was cold and the snow reached below their ankles. They were holding Temmie so the small dog wouldn't freeze to death.

Footsteps could be heard behind them, had Asgore followed them here? (Name) ran, not willing to risk getting caught by them. They turned around to see a tall skeleton sitting there, they were even more scared. Was that a corpse they just saw? Had other humans fallen and got turned into monsters?

"What are you doing? Run!" Temmie yelped, snapping (Name) out of their thoughts.

(Name) did exactly what Temmie said, running far away from the skeleton. They bolted across the wooden bridge and ran to the other side of, they were so distracted by their running they didn't notice another skeleton in front of them.

"Looks like the human came right to me." He snarled and picked you up by the back of your (sweater/shirt/jacket). 

"Uh, maybe we could talk about this? Pretty please?" (Name) asked as they carried Temmie, who jumped out of their arms and ran away. "TEMMIE COME BACK!"(Name) yelled as they held their hands out. "Don't leave here you jerk!"

"I'm gonna go get something to help!" Temmie yelled as it walked away.

"Even your little companion abandoned you, how pathetic." The skeleton remarked, he was a lot shorter than the other one yet had a firm grip. 

"Eh, no time for chatter, time to eat." He said in a causal manner.

"WHAT?!" (Name) began to squirm, trying to get out of his grip.

He opened his mouth and shoved their head in there while (Name) continued to squirm and struggle. 

"No! Let me go you bastard!" (Name) yelled, jerking around.

He ignored them and continued to swallow the poor soul down, now up to their shoulders. Gobbling them up to, (Name)'s head was now in his stomach, along with their shoulders and chest.

(Name) attempted to squirm, which only shoved them deeper into the stomach. They were soon fully inside of him, (Name) was about to give up hope. They could hear the person who had eaten them walking somewhere, somewhere else.

Had Temmie really abandoned them or were they just looking for weapons? That's when suddenly they were squished and spat out, they fell onto the ground.

"C'mon let's go!" Temmie stated as (Name) picked them up, they then ran away with Temmie.

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