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Digestion Warning,This OC belongs to kasuki_0 not me

(Name) trudged through the forest, the forest ground was covered in leaves, it was getting a bit colder and the flowers were beginning to wilt. Winter was coming up, which made it the perfect season to hunt deer.

This is when deer start their mating season, making them plenty busy, which was the perfect season for hunters like (Name).

They had memorized this season so well, mostly from trips with their family members. It was nice to try and get some trophies from their prey as well, like antlers or tails. Though due to recent family issues, they haven't managed to go on one in a while.

A dark deep animal-like grunt could be heard from nearby, this was a grunt to signal a buck is in the middle of breeding! It was like 2 for 1 package meal.

(Name) followed the sound of the call, readying their gun for it to be used. (Name) lifted up their Winchester Model 70, left hand wrapped around the trigger guard, one finger on the trigger. The right hand on the fore-end of the gun.

The prepared- hunter got ready to shoot, they crouched down and aimed at the buck. Bucks are way more aggressive than does, that gets a lot worse during mating season. So, (Name) took aim at the male deer, making sure they had a ready shot and fired!

The female deer stood in shock before trying to flee, (Name) missed the head shot but got her on the leg, leaving a trail of blood for them to follow. (Name) got ready for another shot, following the blood to a darker and deeper part of the forest.

The trail seemed to be.. awfully long, there was no way a wounded doe travelled so far like that. (Name) still had their gun ready in case anything jumped out while they were distracted.

A loud rustling noise could be heard from one of the bushes, (Name) eagerly takes a peak, gun still in both of their hands. It was just a stupid squirrel, then, they felt something heavy on their head and blacked out.

(Name) wakes up find their gun missing, though they were otherwise unharmed. Their was facing down and they were against a tree. 'Was that just an odd dream?' (Name) thought as they got up, but quickly brushed off the dirt and leaves on their clothes.

'No, it was too real.' (Name) shook their head, 'Plus I remember coming here with a gun, I'm not stupid enough to go hunting without a gun.' The now-unarmed hunter wandered around the desolate forest, searching for their weapon.

A big rustling in the bushes made them fear for their life, they knew it wasn't big enough to be a bear, nor a wolf. The creature in the bush was large but had  human-like posture. (Name) didn't stay to find out what it was, they just set off running.

'Is this what that doe felt?' (Name) felt the intense urge to run and only run, they didn't even care about the gun anymore, that wasn't the only gun they had anyway. It was just one of the better models they had.

The "hunter" was grabbed by the back of their (shirt/coat), they were turned around to face the person currently holding them.

A skeleton with a black eye(not injury) and a gray eye, the black eye had a white ring around the iris while white eye had a black ring around the iris. There was also a white bubble marking above the black eye, around two big ones but (Name) could see a little one under his cap.

He was wearing a black cap with white horns  on it. Though for clothes he wore a jacket that had light gray on top, on the sleeves it ended at the elbow point, then a darker gray was in the middle of the sleeves while the the rest of the sleeves were black. In the middle of the jacket the gray switches to a dark shade of gray. He has black gloves that connect to stings that also connect to the black on sleeves, it could be seen a little bit above the forest floor. The skeleton wore long black pants that had a white stripe on the side and black socks that did not cover his toes.

His boney tail waved a bit on the floor, he seemed a bit happy to have them in his grasp. (Name) knew it was NOT a good happy, not only by the look on his face but also how they were caught. 

"I'm surprised at how quick it was to catch you," He teased, "For such a skilled hunter I was expecting you to be harder to catch." He shrugged. "Eh, you probably aren't use to being prey, but anyways, let's see if you taste as good as you look."

(Name) looked at his mouth for a moment and was confused, they began to panic once a black fading to white tongue with white dots on it came out. The tongue began to lick their face a bit, coating the spots it licked with saliva. 

They meekly tried to get it to stop, to no avail. The skeleton then put their head in their mouth, the sharp teeth grazing their skin lightly, (Name) closed their eyes, expecting death, the teeth were so sharp that it seemed like they were gonna cut their head off.

Though they remained alive, feeling their head on the soft and wet tongue before being swallowed and squished into the throat. The throat was probably the tightest one so far, not only for the lack of space but due to the muscles trying to force them into the stomach.

Soon, their head entered a large but still small space but compared to the throat it was still a big improvement from the throat. (Name) could feel the rest of their body still in the throat, except for their feet and lower legs. 

(Name) tried to kick him in face with their legs, but he grabbed them and shoved the rest of them in their throat. 

(Name) felt the rest of their body slowly slide down the stomach, when their feet and legs joined them.

"Hmm, you did taste good but not as good as I expected." He rubbed his stomach and used his hand to prod at (Name) inside of his stomach.

(Name) mumbled a curse under their breath and punched at where they felt his hand, receiving a snicker in response.

"Don't worry, you won't be in there for long anyway." (Name)'s eyes go wide as they began to squirm some more. 

A liquid began to coat their skin and the stomach began to squeeze them even harder than ever, leaving no room for them to move at all. 

The pressure against them in the stomach began to grow, creating a loss in air for the them, the sensation of the stomach acids pooling around them made it feel like they were in hell getting tortured. 

The muscles in the stomach began to painfully grind against, them, this was at the point where (Name) fainted, though before they fainted they heard a couple of words.

"For a hunter, you kind of are a bit pathetic."  (Name) would have made a remark but their body was too far gone. (Name) passed out.

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