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(Name) was a sever for the mafia at a speakeasy, as much as they hated this job and being associated with foul people like them, it was better than starving on the street.

While (Name) would have gotten a better, SAFER job if they could afford it. Due to most of the jobs they had not accepted them for one reason or another. All (Name) wanted to do was save up to get out of this scummy place and go to a safe, less mafia-infested area.

This place wasn't always invested with crime, but now that those pesky little creatures in fancy suits came around, it's all a mess.

It was painful for them to see the place they grew up in and still live in become an absolute mess. Though they tried distracting their mind with how they'd leave this hellhole and every scumbag in it behind.

The grumpy waiter was putting on a display of neutrality, they were afraid showing anger would get them in trouble; trouble they did not want to handle.  (Name) watched the attendants drink and dance to music, personally, the music was bland and not appealing to them, but each to their own.

"Waiter! Get me a highball?" One of the people in a well-dressed group of men ordered, it was one of the shorter ones who's hair was graying. He wasn't old by any means, but his hair was already turning gray.

(Name) quickly nodded and headed over to the bar, they were an expert at making almost every single drink. This one just happened to be the easiest to them, (Name) poured a glass of whiskey with bourbon and a few squeezes of lemon.

They stirred the drink up and it was ready to serve it, heading back to the table they examined the figures.

Nothing really stood except for the monster and the Don, who were standing next to each other. The monster, which was a skeleton with red glowing eyes, wearing a black suit with a red undervest, black tie and and some black pants. There was a black fedora in front of him, which (Name) assumed it was his.

The monster seemed to be very tall in length and width, which was fitting for a place surrounded by fancy criminals. (Name) wondered why he was even here, the people, even the organization in general hates monsters.

Though they probably got desperate enough that they just decided to hire some to look more "intimidating." Whatever, it wasn't (Name)'s business, they were pretty neutral on monsters in general, but the fact someone like  monster would even join this place show that it's really far gone.

As (Name) stared, they noticed him looking at them which sent a spike of fear into their hearts, that was their cue to leave. (Name) quickly sprinted to the side of the club where no one would notice them, their eyes darting back and forth to find someone to focus on.

Their eyes settled on the same skeleton monster from before, it was pretty odd how he was the only monster in the club. Maybe he was proposing something for business or getting some protection from other rival groups? (Name) still didn't really know how it worked, they just kept their head down and did what they were told.

After a while the party seemed to be over, that's when (Name) decided to go home, as the walked away from speakeasy, they had a horrible feeling. This place always made them feel horrible when they left, but this feeling was different. 

Something in their chest was waying them down, making it so the felt weak. The waiter trudged back home, just wanting to sleep for the night. Right when they make it back to their apartment, they headed towards the door before they were grabbed a mysterious stranger.

This stranger seemed way taller and bigger then they were, (Name) knew this because they feel the fingers grabbing them by the fabric. The waiter could feel them slightly brushing against their skin. The stranger then dragged them away, carrying them to a dark place.

(Name) could barely, between the shade and the dimly lit sky, not to mention how dark it was out here. They turn around and come to look at the person who dragged them over here.

All they really saw was red little dots looking back at them, which sort of freaked them out. This was the skeleton monster from earlier, wasn't it? It shook them from their core when they realized it, had they done something wrong and were gonna be killed? Was staring offensive in his culture?

"Excuse me sir, if you could just let me go, that'd be good." 

"nah, you won't be leavin' any time soon." He shortly replied.

(Name)'s anxiety levels spiked up to the roof, he was gonna kill them! At least, that's what it looked like.

"Listen here sir, I'm sorry if I offended you back at the speakeasy. I didn't mean any harm." (Name) put their hands up to show they meant no harm.

"i'm not gonna remove one hair on your pretty little head." He patted them on the head, sort of like you would pet a dog.

(Name) was nonetheless still terrified by this man, it couldn't have been good whatever he wanted. They felt the night air brush past them, sending a chill down their spine. 

"not talkative, eh?" He spoke again.

"Well, can you just tell me why you are here?" (Name) was still shivering from not only how scared they were, but how cold it was outside!

"for you, and I'm on tight schedule right now so i'll just.." He snatched them up, picking them up under the arm and put their in his mouth. It was an odd feeling, the tongue licked at (Name)'s face, it felt a bit surreal. 

He then tilted his head back and swallowed, their head already entering his tight slimy throat. He grabs them by the legs so they can't kick his face while he's swallowing them. 

(Name) feels their head slip deeper into his throat, the muscles kneading at their body, pushing them to go further and further down his esophagus. It wasn't long until their head reached his red stomach, the stomach was.. glowing a bit? It was nice shade of dark red and felt slimy in texture, and a bit wet at that.

(Name) felt their chest and torso slid in, their legs and feet still in the mouth being licked at. It sort of tickled, felt like a wet, slimy feather tickling your calves. They soon also got swallowed leaving them completely inside this person.

The waiter didn't even know how to react, this was such an odd feeling that they just froze up completely. The place sort of began to sway, showing he was walking again.

"now we can be a bit closer, you'll never leave my side ever again." He purred, patting his stomach.

(Name)'s blood ran cold, forever was a long time, they did not want to spend it with someone who hangs out with the mafia for a living. THAT WOULD SUCK!  The stomach squeezed them a bit, almost as if clinging to them. Like it didn't want them to go anywhere, it barely gave (Name) enough room but they could breath.

Oh boy, this was gonna be a LONG day.

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