Yandere Dust

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@N1bble669 requested this




(Name) was a part of the Star Sanses' it wasn't a defined group but they had healing abilities and very powerful defensive magic. They were mostly a backup in case one of them wasn't around, not like they minded. 

It was fun most of the time, doing good things while having fun. They weren't busy, plus they didn't have an AU, or at least couldn't remember having one. The out! code's free time was practically limitless, in fact, they wished to be an official member! 

(Name) wasn't close to any of them, but they did know the basics and why they fighting. Cross, who had recently just joined after escaping from Nightmare, his Au destroyed by.. something? He was really strong! They didn't know what. Dream had good aim and was the guardian of positivity. Ink was the protector of Au's, and can use his paintbrush to make attacks and shields, pretty good at fighting.

Swap was.. well, (Name) could say he wasn't really a bad fighter, but compared to the rest of them, kind of weak. They could have chosen an Undyne or something for the job, or at least a more capable Sans au. 

The Bad Sanses, they did not know much about, basically all they knew that most of them were either forced or manipulated, or brainwashed to join. Horror seemed to be the chilliest one. (Name) met him sometime while off work, they hadn't met before that point. He basically told them that he was threatened to join before the out!code told him that they were apart of or at least semi apart of the Star Sanses.

Yeah, they didn't know or care about the rest of the members, except for the one in the dusty hoodie. It fascinated (Name) a bit but other then that they had brushed it off. When they tagged in for a member, they were fighting 'Dusty Hoodie' all of the time. 

It sort of struck them as an odd coincidence, they had gotten to know more about the attacks he used.  From what they had gotten, telekinesis, blue mode, sharp bones, gaster blasters. All the normal attacks, though they were oddly easy to dodge, like he wasn't even trying!

It sort of annoyed (Name) as it felt like they were being babied in a way, but eh, at least they weren't dead or anything.

(Name) had nothing to do, so they were just sort of sitting in the middle of no where, doodling to pass the time. A whirl of magic could be heard nearby, identified by a small splash, though it wasn't Ink's.

It wasn't Ink, the protector had more of a messy way of teleporting, a kid stepping through a puddle. This was more of a sound of something getting out of a thick liquid, like a squelch.

With a small burst of energy and fear, the out!code turned to face the same hooded skeleton from earlier with his goopy friend, Nightmare. Nightmare was not a good dude from what they could tell, and the stories Dream had said Nightmare had done.

(Name) looked around in shock as they didn't see the rest of the gang there. They also were very not pleased, it looks like they would be fighting a 2v1. (Name) had heard about how strong Nightmare was and didn't really wanna risk it here, they started running.

"what, don't have your little friends to protect you?" Nightmare made a mocking expression, displaying (Name)'s exact face of fear. The goopy skeleton then turned to face the hooded one.

"make this quick, i'm a busy man." Nightmare folded his arms and watched.

(Name) got prepared, they mostly tried to get their opponents away from them while fighting, mostly using knockback  magic. 

'Dusty-Hood' ran towards them with a bone in hand, (Name) prepared to block before he teleported behind them and struck them in the back of the head.

(Name) fell to the ground, their head aching as they began to lose their conciseness.

The out!code awoke in a dusty, grimy, dimly-lit room. There was blood on the walls, they clearly weren't the first person here. It seemed utterly repulsive, there were also chunks of probably non-magical bones and human flesh on the floor. 

(Name) jumped as the door opened, they would've hid if they weren't tied to a chair. A small grunt came out of their mouth as they realized who it was. The same figure in a dusty hoodie from earlier.

"well, hello there~" The figure purred as it got closer, once it reached (Name), it began to caress their head.

"sorry about the room, i personally would have brought you somewhere nice but Nightmare wouldn't let me."

"anyways, he sent me here to interview you for the hideouts and all that jazz." He explained. "and also, if you give decent information you get to live with me!" He seemed a bit more happy about that.

(Name) shrugged and got ready spill, after spilling basically all of what they knew, they watched Dust walk upstairs.

Soon after, he came back all happy, well not really that happy but he seemed content. "he said you can stay."

(Name) was confused, "Uh, you mean leave right?" 

Dust shook his head in a slow manner, "No," his tone got serious, "You will stay with me forever and ever."

(Name) didn't want to stay here, while Dust seemed nice, they were more worried about the health risks. They didn't even notice Dust picking them up.

"Sorry about this but I must insure that we will be together at all times." He opened his mouth and quickly scarfed them down. Dust didn't get a minute to enjoy their flavor, he had to make it quick so Nightmare wouldn't be mad at him.

"Ergh." Dust sat down on the ground and rubbed his noticeably bigger middle. He would not be able to fight in this condition, he used his magic to shrink (Name). He then ran back upstairs.

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