Hybrid Sans

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Nightmare walked through a random AU; he had just come to check it out and see if there was anything interesting in it. Maybe some negativity? That could help him after his fight with Dream; he mostly used this place as a resting spot to heal back up.

The negativity from this place was a lot, which most likely meant Dream wouldn't be able to touch this place. This could be a good place to stock up on energy, just for now. It seems to be coming from one direct source. 

Nightmare walked towards the source, a cave. That was odd, he was expecting it to be from a town or something, but a cave?

He was about to walk into the cave when he noticed a dragon tail at the entrance. He poked the tail, trying to see if it was  connected to something. It flinched for a slight moment, then he heard a voice.

"Hello? who's there?" A deep voice, still soft and welcoming asked.

"Er, Nightmare, just passing through." Nightmare replied.  He looked at the being before him, it seemed to be large, like a dragon. "So, could you step outside?"

Nightmare backed away to give the creature some space. The creature stepped out, they had the wings, tail ,and horns of a dragon, but the ears of a wolf. They also were  pretty scarred up. They were a bit taller than Nightmare, not by much though. 

Nightmare wasn't surprised by the creature's appearance, as the au was called Hybridtale but it seemed a little off. 

"So, what are you doing here?" The creature asked.

"I'm resting here after I got into a fight." Nightmare replied, he felt a bit stronger coming near this sans, so he must be the source of negativity. 

"So what's your name?" Nightmare looked up at the creature, their ear's flicked, along with their tail.

"My name is Hybrid." The creature said as it looked at Nightmare. "What's yours?"

"Nightmare." He blankly said.

"Hmm, that's odd, no one really comes by anymore. It's kind of lonely here." Hybrid hugged Nightmare, pushing him towards his side. "Glad I have you to keep me company."

"Er, yeah that's great!" Nightmare didn't really care about that or anything, he was just glad to get a better look at his power source. Though it was a bit boring, like there wasn't anything to do to here. 

"How do you entertain yourself around here? It is quite boring and lonely around here." Nightmare glanced around at the place, pretty much just a cave and forest.

"Well it is quite lonely, so I mostly just hang around the cave." Hybrid explained.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go." Nightmare turned around to leave, though he was grabbed again by Hybrid. 

"Don't leave so soon! Can't you stay a little longer?" Hybrid cuddled him a bit, Nightmare didn't stop it though. 

"No harm in staying I guess." Nightmare shrugged and sat on the ground. 

Hybrid followed suit, sitting in front of him, Hybrid's stomach began to growl. "Sorry about that! I haven't eaten in a long time." The creature held it's head for a moment before looking at Nightmare. 

"Sorry if this seems weird, but can I eat you? I won't chew you or anything, I'll just swallow you. Until I can get some food of course." Hybrid politely asked. 

Nightmare was a bit confused, he didn't really care that much anyway, he could only die to positive energy and magic. So there was no harm in trying this, maybe he could also use this as a punishment for his subordinates as well. Without the heads up or anything to drag fear out of them. That'd seem fun.

"Sure, why not?" Nightmare shrugged, he got a bit closer to Hybrid.

"Thank you!" Hybrid wagged their dragon tail a little bit.

Hybrid opened they mouth and their tongue spilled out of their mouth, it was a point tongue, the 'flesh' was a mix between purple and yellow. The creature licked Nightmare a bit before putting the goopy skeleton's head in his mouth, the mouth was warm and damp.

They softly swallowed Nightmare down, sending his head and neck down his throat while his chest and shoulders in his mouth. They kept on licking him all over, his taste was amazing.

Nightmare soon felt his head enter Hybrid's stomach, it was much more spacious then the tight throat, but still lacking in a good amount of space. Nightmare soon was fully in there, it was the same as the mouth, damp, tight and wet. 

It was comfortable though, the warm of it made up for the lack of good space.

"So how ya doing in there?" Hybrid asks, rubbing his expanded midriff, it had expanded quite a bit. He sat on the ground to get a bit more comfortable himself.

"It's alright, could be more spacious, but I wouldn't really blame that on you I guess. Since you ate so one almost your size." Nightmare shrugged as he leaned against a stomach wall.

Hybrid lifted his shirt up a little bit so it would rip, the translucent flesh showing Nightmare sitting in the stomach.

Nightmare could see more now, though only through the tummies translucent yellow and purple lenses, not to mention it was still a bit blurry.

"Well, just glad you're alright." Hybrid replied. "I haven't eaten in a long time so this feels quite good." Hybrid laid on the grass below and sprawled out.

"You also taste really good, did you know that?" Nightmare was a bit confused at the comment, this was his first time being eaten.

"Er, thanks? I really didn't know that." Nightmare shrugged.

Hybrid rubbed his stomach a bit more before falling asleep.

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