Cross Sans

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I haven't seen X in a long time pls correct mistakes))

(Name) was hanging out with their friend, Cross. It had been a bit since they had met Cross in the market, while (Name) was out for fruit, some thieves had taken their money. Luckily Cross was out there to stop them before they went too far. (Name) sent gifts of gratitude and they just started to grow closer from there. 

(Name) sat down and looked at the sky, they then looked at Cross. "So, when do you usually start going to work?" (Name) asks before realizing how creepy it sounds, "I'm just asking so I don't have to go looking for you."

"Uh, I go 8 hours every day. However, that may change depending on anything that affects the royal family. I'm on break right now, which ends in, what time is it?"

(Name) pulls out a watch, on the clock it says 3:30. "30 minutes till 4:00."

"Oh, I got to get back to work in a few minutes see you later!" Cross waved at (Name) while running away.

(Name) sat under the tree, it was time for them to go back to work too. They worked at their parents' bakery, their parents had retired and moved out of town, but (Name) wanted to keep the bakery business alive.

'Hmm, maybe I should make a new desert for my bakery, the menus been the same for about 20 years now.' They thought as they unlocked the bakery and opened it for the day.

(Name) looked behind the counter, preparing all the ingredients for cakes, pies and cinnamon rolls. They knew how popular their shop was, compared to the others. As soon as the baker was finished setting up, a group of 3 appeared.

Toriel, Cross and the adopted prince, Chara. "Excuse me, but what's the largest size you'll make? It's for a special occasion." Toriel asked.

"Well, I can do a cake of 6 layers going from the first layer being 12 servings to the bottom being 100 servings. Does that sound good?" (Name) replied, they pulled out a replica of what they were talking about just to show.

"Yeah, I'll need 4 of those, it's for the summer festival that's coming up. Me and my husband are going to invite the entire town to our palace to celebrate." 

(Name) did the math in their head, that'd be 1232 servings, and if it took them 4 hours to bake 1 cake that'd be 16 hours! That'd be almost half of the day. 

"Uh sure, how much am I gonna be paid?" (Name) asked.

"10,000 gold." (Name)'s jaw dropped, that was the most they'd ever earn or been offered! The summer festival was 3 days from now, So they'd make it about 2 days from now so it'll be a bit fresher.

"Ok." (Name) wrote that down. "It'll be ready in about two days." Toriel nodded and left with Chara, Cross waved before leaving too. 


(Name) laid down on the floor, they had just finished 34 orders in a row,  which had earned them 4000 G. They were exhausted and about to pass out. 

"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" A loud high pitched voice yelled, (Name) jolted up to see a small monster or human? They couldn't tell, everything was covered. They were holding up a gun towards them.

"EMPTY THE REGISTER!" The 'robber' shouted, shaking with the gun in hand. They sounded like a small child.

(Name) snickered and opened the register, throwing a bag of 20G in the kid's face. "That should be enough to buy you 10 candy bars." The baker giggled.

The robber shot at the baker's abdomen, causing a small wound there, luckily the gun didn't have big bullets in it. (Name) fell to the ground, pretending to be dead so the robber wouldn't shoot again. The pain was making it hard for them to not move, but it was better than maybe getting shot in the head.  They were hidden under the counter, so no hopefully no other accomplices will see them.

The small robber continued to scurry through the register, grabbing at least 80% of their earnings. The small robber was about to walk away before SNATCH! The robber was grabbed and held down by Undyne. The gun had been knocked away from their hands.

"You little punk! You'll better pray your mommy and daddy will be there to pick you up from jail!" Undyne exclaimed before walking away with the thief.

(Name) continued to lay on the floor, bleeding out from their abdomen. 

"Erugh." (Name) mumbled under their breath as they mustered up the strength to get up. They soon heard footsteps, they laid back down and paid close attention. 

"Name?" It sounded like Cross' voice. "You there?" Cross asked.

"Over." (Name) mumbled, not finishing the sentence. 

Cross walked over to see (Name) bleeding on the floor, looking like they were half way dead. "NAME!" Cross rushed over to them. "What happened?" No answer, Cross looked down at their wound.

"Er, don't panic,  but please just stay still please." Cross asked as he opened his mouth and swallowed Name whole. It was a bit awkward at first, but he got used to it. He then ran to the doctors to get more help.

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