3. Friends?

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Nobody's POV
Bose : Chapa?
Chapa : *voice cracking* Fuck off

Bose inches closer to her and gently puts his hand on her shoulder. She immediately shoves it and lifts her head.

Chapa : I said Fuck Off! God dont you ever use your head and listen?! You've already done enough you can stop pitying me now
Bose : Chapa, I wasn't pitying you I promise. Scarlet doesn't know what she's talking about. She just wants to start problems cuz she thinks it'll get me to like her. I really wanted to get to know you and for what it's worth I don't think you're a freak. I think there's something really sweet behind all that violence and those walls. And if you let me, I'd like to see them.

Chapa looks into his eyes, he's telling the truth. She breathes out deep and runs her hands through her red hair.

Chapa : Fine, I'm sorry I overreacted
Bose : Don't apologize there's no reason to
Chapa : why do you do that?

Chapa leans her cheek on her knees looking at Bose in curiosity. Bose makes a confused make at her which cause her to chuckle.

Chapa : Heh I mean why don't you let me apologize for overreacting, I do it a lot
Bose : Because I know you don't mean it and you have stuff that makes you protect yourself in that way and I-

Boses phone rings and it's his mom. He picks it up and speaks to her for a couple seconds as Chapa plays with the chain on her pants. Bose stands up and helps Chapa up as well.

Bose : Sorry I have to go, my mom and step dad are going on vacation and they wanted me to have dinner before they left.
Chapa : oh that's okay I have to get going too see you around?
Bose : yeah see you...chappy

Chapa rolls her eyes and punches him lightly on the side of his arm.

Chapa : Later idiot. Oh and what were you saying before your mom called?
Bose : oh I'll find a way to get through to the softy side of you

He smiles and winks at her as he walks away. Chapa makes an annoyed smirk as she watched him leave and started her way home as well thinking about the odd day she just had with the brunette boy.


A few days pass and the two polar opposites make hanging out a regular thing. Sometimes after school and sometimes walking down the hallway. Friendly punches in the arms back and forth and some laughing. One day the twins were standing across from Chapa and Bose having a conversation in the hallway during free period about aliens.

Bose : I'm telling yo they're hot!
Chapa : Bose how do you know? You've never even met one!
Bose : I could have! For all I know you could be one!
Chapa : is that your way of calling me hot
Bose : Shhhhhhh

They both are cracking up and the twins look at each other and then back at them.

Mika : okay, is it just me or did they become really close and we haven't even seen them interact besides after the fight?
Myles : yeah I know right? What the hell did that happen? *GASP* YOU THINK THEYRE DATING?
Mika : What?! That's your first assumption? Plus Chapa already she's not interested in him. But then againn
Myles : I've never seen her laugh like that, come to think of it I've never seen her laugh
Mika : what did mom say about finishing my sentences?
Myles : yeah yeah quiet I'm observing

The bell rings and Bose and Chapa go their separate ways waving good bye and Chapa comes up to the twins with their arms crossed and both giving her the exact same look.

Chapa : What?
Myles : What? What?! That's all you got? Since when are you and Bose in cahoots!
Chapa : Pffft what? Cahoots what are you talking about?
Mika : Oh come on Chapa we saw you guys are you two a thing?

Chapa laughs hard holding her stomach

Chapa : Me?! And Bose?! Please no we're not together not in a million years
Mika : yeah sureee then what are you guys?

Chapa turns her head and sees Bose in the distance in a classroom running his hand through his hair. She smiles slightly still looking at him as she answers Mika.

Chapa : Friends? I think?
Twins : Awwwwwww  genuine momentsssss

Chapas smile fades and she glares at them stepping closer (threatening step towards them lmao)

Chapa : Say that again and I will genuinely kill youuuu
Twins : genuinely sorryyy
Chapa : good. I'm leaving now y'all coming?
Myles : Chapa it's the middle of the school day
Chapa : And?
Mika : you can't keep skipping you're gunna get pulled back
Chapa : fine suit yourselves

Chapa shrugs her shoulders and walks away to an empty part of the school. She shoots Bose a text making sure she isn't caught skipping.

Chapa : yo wyd?
Bose : sitting in class? Why?
Chapa : wanna ditch with me?
Bose : like dirt? Chappy that's gross
Chapa : Lmao no I mean leave school with me
Bose : oh, idk
Chapa : come on Boseee I'm bored and you're my last hope
Bose : I'm coming

Chapa chuckles as she puts her phone in her back pocket. When she lifts her head back up she is met face to face with Bose. He scares the crap out of her so she smacks him in the face.

Bose : OW
Chapa : Oh shit Bose I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you

Chapa rubs the side of his cheek for a second and Bose just stares at her frozen. She quickly takes her hand away and rubs the back of her neck.

Chapa : um yeah sorry
Bose : um all good chappy it didn't hurt that bad le-let's go
Chapa : yeah

Bose grabs her hand and dashes to the exit while Chapa makes sure no one's looking as they run out. Once they get far enough from the school they let go of each others hands and chuckle.

Chapa : it shouldn't be that easy to ditch school
Bose : we're just stealth ninjassss

Bose does a kick in the air and ends up falling on the ground and Chapa bursts out laughing. She tries to cover her mouth to stop but it just keeps going. Bose smiles at her as he keeps back up wiping his pants.

Bose : wow you're so nice to me Chappy thanks for all the help
Chapa : yeah no problem babe
Bose : Babe?
Chapa : I said Bose
Bose : you said babe

Chapa pushes him back onto the ground

Chapa : I said Bose
Bose : okay okay fine you win now help me up

Bose reaches for Chapas hand and she gives to him only til he pulls her back onto the ground with him. She lands on his chest and they both laugh as she moves off of him and punches him in the shoulder

Chapa : Asshole
Bose : you deserved it

Friends, that's what they are or as they say

That's it for today Y'all happy Easter
Til next time

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