8. The Red Songbird

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(If you've read my previous books you know I can't resist adding musical parts to my stories it'll be important later on)
No One's POV
Chapa was sitting on her bed doing her homework while humming softly to herself whatever song popped into her head. A knock at her door came that took her out of her focus.

Chapa : it's open

Gwen, her cousin and now guardian cracks open the door and steps in.

Gwen: hey Chap you hungry? Dinners gunna be done in a little bit.
Chapa still writing in her notebook : yeah sure sounds good
Gwen : good glad to hear now how's that boyfriends of yours?

Chapa stops dead in her tracks and looks up at Gwen looking at the smirk spread across her face. Chapas face went bright red as she tried clearing her throat

Chapa : um boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend nope not me
Gwen : Come on Chap I'm not stupid I know about that little visit a couple nights ago. It's okay if you have one as long as he's treating you right

Chapa relaxes a bit and nods as Gwen sits on the edge of Chapas bed.

Chapa : okay fine his name is Bose he's amazing Gwen he really is he's so sweet and he makes me a better me

Gwen : awe chap I'm so happy for you I'm glad he makes you happy you deserve that more then anything
Chapa : thank you, have they..?

Gwen drops her head slightly and shakes it

Gwen : no honey I'm sorry still no word of them
Chapa : not fucking surprised
Gwen : I know it sucks hun but they'll come around one day

Chapa rises from her bed and runs fingers through her hair biting the inside of her cheek

Chapa : no they won't cuz they're fucking douchebags who never even wanted a fucking daughter! They can hate me all they want I'm done with it.

Gwen gets up as well and rubs Chapas back a little and shoots her a warm smile.

Gwen : it's gunna be okay Chap you've got me, you're new friends and your new boyfriendddddd *chuckles* and we all support you and love you

Chapa : thanks Gwen I love you too

Gwen gives her a light hug and exits her room. Chapa goes over to her bed and packs up her homework and makes her way out her window. Once she gets to the ground she puts her AirPods in and starts walking. She's not sure exactly where she's gunna go yet but she's just gunna get a couple steps in. As her playlist continues Chapa unknowingly starts to sing along out loud while scrolling on her phone while sitting on a bench.

As Chapa is lost in the music Bose of course happened to be walking in the same area as her and silently sits down next to her listening intently and mesmerized by the lovely voice of his girlfriend. As she was getting towards the end of her song Bose gently leaned over and kissed her. Chapa jumped and pushed him off the bench as a reflex.

Bose : Owww

Once she realized it was Bose she gasped and took her Airpods out and helped him up.

Chapa : oh Bose it's you I'm so sorry you scared me
Bose : it's okay Chappy I didn't know you had such a beautiful voice
Chapa : a beautiful huh? What do you mean? .... Oh my god

Chapa covers her face in embarrassment as it gets as red as her hair.

Chapa : Crap I was singing out loud? God damnit that's so stupid I can't believe you heard that.
Bose : Sparky what are you saying? It was lovely how come you've never sang for me before?
Chapa : I don't like singing in front of people it makes me nervous

Bose pouts while wrapping his arms around her waist making sure no one is around of course.

Bose : I thought I was the only one that made you nervous
Chapa : you're such a cheesy dork, but seriously I can't sing in front of people especially not original songs.

Chapa covers her mouth right as Bose does his iconic gasp with his hands over his mouth.

Bose : oh my goddddd you write songs?! My girlfriend keeps getting more and more perfect cough cough and more emo cough cough

Chapa punches his shoulder and his winces slightly but still laughs.

Chapa : fuck you
Bose : time and place
Chapa : here and now

Boses face goes white and there's a slight silence between them until Chapa bursts out laughing holding her stomach.

Chapa : HAHAHA GOTCHA I win you knock your shit off now
Bose : yes mam

Bose still in flustered shock shakes his head a few times to keep his cool. Chapa still chuckles a bit and kisses his cheek.

Chapa : you're so cute when your flustered now come on I'm hungry


The two of them are now sitting at the nice Nacho Ball enjoying their food and talking about who knows what. Technically they're on a date but obviously it's on the down low.

Bose : ima start calling you my songbird
Chapa : ew Bose no
Bose : whyyyyyy
Chapa : cuz it's cheesy
Bose : well so am I sooooo you're my red songbird
Chapa : ugh I hate you
Bose : you love me
Chapa : debatable

Chapa smirks while taking a sip of her soda. After finishing their meals Bose and Chapa make their way out of the restaurant and walk hand in hand since there were minimal people outside. They continue talking about complete nonsense as Chapa leans her head slightly on Boses shoulder as they walk. Bose kisses her forehead while continuing the conversation. Everything was great they are so happy together that absolutely nothing could butcher there time together.


After walking a little longer Chapa stops in her tracks and all the color in her face fades. Bose realizes she stopped moving and went close to her.

Bose : Sparky are you okay what's going on?

Chapa looks out in the distance completely numb and emotionless but still manages to have a slight sense of fear in her. All she can do is mutter one word while still keeping a tight hold on Boses hand.

Chapa : Dad?

That's it sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoyed
Til next time

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