5. Hoodies & Stay Outs

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Chapa's POV
I'm currently laying on my bed in the dark staring at the ceiling. My insomnia is really kicking my ass right now I can't fall asleep at all. I grab my phone and check the time.

2:35 AM

I wonder if he's still awake, I mean I highly doubt it he actually gets sleep but what are the odds. I start texting Bose to see if he's up but before I can hit send there's a knock at my window. I jump up from my bed and hold my metal bat and inch toward the window. Yes I have a metal bat don't judge me. I move my curtains and sigh with relief as it's just the boy I wanted to see. I MEAN WAS GUNNA TEXT

I open the window and he climbs in through it then runs fingers through his hair.

Chapa : what the snacks are you doing here? It's 2:30 in the morning
Bose : *shrugs his shoulders* I wanted to see you and I knew you'd be up

Wow he wanted to see me. That's kinda sweet, knock it off chapa get it together.

Chapa : how'd you know my address?
Bose : you're snap location is on so it wasn't that hard plus I'm sure you're the only person with red lightening on ur curtains.

He smirks at me and I feel my ears get hot, god what is happening to me? I shake my head at him and sit back down on my bed. He sits beside me close enough to where our thighs are touching. Normally I'd shove him away but I think I'm good. He stares at me for a moment and I stare back and then I look away and clear my throat.

Chapa : ahem so whatcha wanna do?
Bose : watch a movie?
Chapa : ooo I'm down what movie?
Bose : Wanna watch a horrible romcom to make fun of it?
Chapa : you read my mind Bosey

I grab the remote and turn on Netflix and pick a random romcom and click play and we both start watching the movie. A little bit into the movie Bose taps my shoulder and offers me popcorn.

Chapa : where did you get popcorn?!
Bose : don't worry about it I'm magic
Chapa : yeah yeah sure

I take a handful and turn my eyes back to the movie

No one's POV
*time skip to half way through the movie*
The two are laughing their heads off and throwing popcorn at the screen.

Bose : Dude this is so stupid they literally just met like two days ago how are they already dating?!
Chapa : it makes zero sense and watch in a little bit there's gunna be a stupid mistake that breaks them up for like 5 minutes.

*time skip*
Chapa hits Bose repeatedly on the shoulder in an excited way.

Chapa : I fucking told you! Look look now they're broken up this is like every fucking Netflix romcom
Bose : Damnit now I owe you 10 bucks, I'll bet you 20 there's a rain scene
Chapa : you're on there's no way there's a rain scene

*time skip to rains scene in movie*


Chapa angrily handed him a 20 and looked back at the movie that still had about half an hour left. Her eyes began to feel heavy and she wanted to lay down on something. She did just that and felt a very comfortable pillow below her and drifted off to sleep.

Bose was very in tune to the movie right up until the end credits. When he tuned out he felt a slight weight on his thigh and looked down. What he saw was a fiery get very beautiful girl sleeping peacefully on his thigh. He smiled softly and gently ran his fingers through her hair. He stayed doing that for about an hour to make sure she was fully asleep and then he checked the time once again.

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