11. Shut Out

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No one's POV
After their little sleepover, Chapa dropped Bose off at his house explaining Gwen was going to be home soon and she didn't want her to bother him after just coming back. Soon enough they went back to school and it seemed like everything went in reverse to before the two of them met. Chapa rarely spoke to him and when she wasn't she was lashing out at random people. She wasn't even speaking to the twins anymore it was like it reverted back to the old Chapa. She was getting in trouble almost everyday for picking fights. As for today she's extra pressed for some reason and the other three could easily notice that even though they were a good distance away. Bose looks at her with pain in his eyes as he speaks to the others.

Bose : I don't know what's going on with her, one minute we're fine and happy and she's smiling and laughing the next she's distant and angry I'm really worried about her.

Mika puts a sympathetic hand on his shoulder as she stands beside him observing Chapa practically stomping to class.

Mika : We all are honey but I'm sure at some point she'll say what's going on maybe she's just been going through a tough time.

Miles : Yeah man I'm sure everything will go back to the way it was eventually

Bose : Thanks guys I hope you're right about this

Miles pats him on the back as three of them go their separate ways.

Chapa's POV
Ugh I can't stand being away from all of them but what choice do I have? I have to keep my distance at least for a little while. But without them I feel lost and out of control especially without Bose. He balances me out, I know it sounds gross or mushy or whatever but it's true. He helps to cool down the sparks before I explode but without him all I can do is explode. Just constantly thinking about the message makes my blood boil and someone even just looking at me wrong sets me off like a firecracker. Just as I say that here comes Scarlet here to piss me off on the wrong day. Her voice as annoying as ever.

Scarlet : Awww look it's the freak all by herself? Guess Bosey wosey finally realized how insane you are and dumped your ugly ass huh?

Chapa : Scarlet I'm not in the mood say something again I will fucking kill you

Scarlet : Yeah whatever slut I know you're not gunna do anything you've gone soft recently and you've become a pussy

Chapa : Have it your way don't say I didn't FUCKING WARN YOU

I grab her by the shoulders and throw her into the lockers causing a slight dent as she yelps in pain. I throw a few punches and kicks at her as she makes her way to the ground bawling her eyes out but honestly I don't give a fuck. When I start kicking her on the ground I get yanked away and she gets up quick and bolts down the hallway to the nurses. It's amazing how with every fight I've been in no teacher catches me. Now who the fuck is on me. I push away the person holding me and I'm about to throw I punch when I recognize who it is. Bose. Wow right back where we started, great. He tries throwing me a smile and a light chuckle.

Bose : wow this seems familiar huh sparky?

His face falls as I don't reply and begin to walk away. He grabs my wrist lightly stopping me from going away and I turn towards him.

Bose : Chapa tell me what's going on did I do something? Did the twins do something? Why are you shutting us out? Please come back to us,

He takes a hold of my hand and I can't help but come closer. He looks deep into my eyes with his full of sadness. I can't look away.

Bose : Come back to me Chappy.

I pause for a minute almost falling in, but of course I snap right back into reality and feel my eyes fill but I try to resist the tears from streaming down and I do successfully. I become numb and let go of his hand and shake my head looking down now making eye contact.

Chapa : I can't Bose I'm sorry now please just leave me alone, we're done I can't do anymore

I feel my heart clench and I can tell without even looking at him that he had that same feeling. I couldn't bare being in the same area with him anymore so I left. I walked out of school and walked to the lake. I sat on the dock and just let the tears ride down. I shove my face in the hoodie and my arms and just scream. I scream out all the pain and the heartache I feel. It's what's for the best after all, no matter how much it fucking sucks on a way in doing it for them all of them even the boy I love. The boy who sacrificed himself for me and almost died for me. I guess in a way this is me returning the favor.

If I stay out of the picture,

No one gets hurt.

Two in one and feel free to grab some tissues I'm sorry heh

Til next time

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