9. A Love War

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Chapas POV
My hands move to Boses arm and tightens around it as I stand in disbelief at the person in front of me.

Chapa : Dad? What the fuck are you doing here?

He steps toward me with confusion plastered on his face.

Mike : Chapa who is this? And why do you still dress like a gothy slut?! I thought your mother and I told you to change.

Chapa : I'm not fucking changing how I dress to meet your standards of what your daughter should look like! I'm not even your fucking daughter anymore so why the fuck should you give a shit?! So I ask again what THE FUCK are you doing here?!

Mike : I'm here to take you back because Gwen isn't doing enough to fix you so we're taking you away to facility in California

Chapa : ARE YOU NUTS? You want nothing to do with me for months and now you suddenly want me back to send me off again? Go fuck yourself im not going

Mike : young lady I am your father and you do what I say

Chapa : are you? Cuz last time I checked you turned down your parental privileges when you gave me to Gwen. And those burns? Yeah those motherfuckers don't heal bastard you fucking threw boiling water at me when I didn't want to go. And now you expect me to willingly come back to you? Yeah no I can't believe I was dumb enough to even miss you and mom in the slightest

He marched towards me and lifts his fist up as I flinch.

Mike : I will do it again if you don't hurry the fuck up now let's go you little bitch

Bose tenses up and stands in front me with a pissed off expression on his face.

Bose : The fuck do you think are?! You kicked her to the side like she's trash for the way she is and now you want to send her off to fuck knows where?! Are you fucking stupid?! There's no way in fucking hell you're taking my girlfriend away from me you'll have to kill me first.

I stand there with a shocked expression on my face, I've never seen him this way before I almost tear up. No one has ever stood up for me like he does. I look back at my dad and he's angry, like really angry. I know that angry... I try to pull Bose away but he won't budge.

Chapa : Bose we have to go now hurry! Please we need to go!

Bose : No Chapa I'm not leaving I'm not letting me take y- AAAH

Bose falls to the ground clenching his side as I see my dad with a blood stained knife in his hand.

Chapa : BOSE NO

Mike : Guess I won't have to worry about him anymore. Chapa let's go we're leaving

He pulls my arm and grips it hard trying to get me away. I grab his arm and swing him over my shoulder knocking him to the ground. He groans in pain as I kick his knife away from him.


I pick his knife up and aim it towards him and he gets up as I feel a spark in my hands. What the fuck? I ignore it and scratch his leg with the blade and he winces in pain.

Mike : I'll be back and say goodbye to your precious pet you fucking Whore

He runs off and I drop the knife and run back over to Bose. I lay his head on my lap and put pressure on his side as it's losing a lot of blood. He tries to speak but he's too tired and starts to flutter his eyes

Chapa : Baby I'm right here I've got you you're gunna be okay you hear me? You better be okay

I dial 9-1-1 and they are sending over an ambulance as a keep my hand on his side trying not to breakdown in tears. He opens his eyes slightly and lifts his hand up and touches my cheek as I lean into his touch.

Love Me Better (Bapa powerless AU)Where stories live. Discover now