Chapter 3- Forth

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My blood turned cold as everything was recounted.

"So you caused him to withdraw from the hazing team?! Do you know how much I ranted at him and he refused to say even a single word?!"

"I didn't mean to. I just.. took my temper out on him. I didn't think he would..."

I just glared at him and then took off, wanting to go see Park. I found Park sitting in the Dungeon, gaming away.

"Hey, where did you go?"

"The Dean just spoke to me. Then I also found out why you did what you did. Look, don't take his words to heart. You know that."

Park just looked at me but just smiled, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. I knew he was disappointed in himself for having caused someone to last out at him until like that and I also knew he withdrew from the hazing team to avoid such talk of being on the team due to privileges of having friends.

"I'm still going to be in Sotus. If you need my help, you can count on me. I will still come for drills and all."

I sighed exasperated, knowing Park wouldn't listen to me at all. Park just grinned at me, patting the seat next to him. I glared at him and he just pulled my hand to sit down next to him.

"Game with me na. Let's not delve on this anymore. You know it's a losing battle to talk to me on this anymore."

I just watched as Park gamed away. Though he seemed nonchalant, I knew being away from the Sotus hazing team was tearing him on the inside. Against my better judgement, I just inched closer and sat next to him, just gently caressing my hand against his in comfort. Park just clocked it but didn't say anything. He sat closer to me in response and that's how we spent the afternoon gaming away.

In the evening, we headed to the bar to meet the boys for drinks. The Medical Princes joined us and Kit sat next to me. I blushed irrecovably despite my best attempts not to and Park just smirked at me as he sat opposite me, nursing a beer. I glared at him, insisting he better don't say a word in mockery. Park just laughed and raised his hands at the other two who sat down next to him and all 3 boys took turns to tease me and Kit over the night. Grr!

Everything was going well until they came in. The minute Park saw him from afar, he nodded at me and took his departure citing he had plans. The boys didn't say anything as it was common for us to leave midway. Before those boys made it to our table, Park was gone.

But I know he had seen Park go and he turned to look at me, a despondent wretched look on his face.

Well, it was their quarrel. Not mine. Heck I am not interfering in it.

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