Chapter 18: Lam

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I grabbed my bag and trudged home as usual, around 8pm exhausted as fuck on a Friday night.

Attachment has been cray tiring and I been so busy, barely even having time to text or hang out with the boys. Aim did text a few times but I had been so busy and couldn't reply back on time. I made it home and took a long warm shower, finally dressing in something comfortable and then sat on my couch, slowly replying messages. Since I had no work on Saturday, I could afford to take a breather. I replied Aim and was about to order some food when he called.

"Hey; had dinner?"

"Not yet P. Going to order some food now."

"Owh, can you don't? It will be there in 15 minutes."

"What will be in 15 mins?"

But Aim had hung up. I just stared at the phone all confused. But literally about 10-12 minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I went up to open it to find Aim standing there with food in his hands.

"P, what is this?!"

Aim smiled at me and shook the package of food in front of my face gently.

"I saw in the group chat that you finally replied, the one with the seniors in it. So I quickly set off, buying food on the way. I figured you may just buy rubbish so got you something proper. How have you been?"

I just stared dumbfounded at him. I then came back to my senses, inviting him in and just filled him in on how my week has been. I was still privately stunned over how Aim had just turned up buying food for me and was very touched by it but still wondering on how to go about asking him on why he did it. I just watched quietly as Aim unpacked and dished the food out for me.

"Why are you doing this?"

I finally came right out and asked Aim. He looked at me, surprised by my frankness but not exactly perturbed by the question as I saw a smile flit over his face.

"This is really your style, huh? Just come right out and say it? I..I missed you badly this week Lam. I just wanted an excuse to see you and once you texted in the group chat, I used that chance. Is it OK?"

Shit. His answer, damn it, was sending this spate of warm waves streaking through my heart and body and I just smiled, a small one curling up my lips. I nodded and sat down to eat. Aim didn't say anything but just joined me, chatting animatedly about school, Sotus, attachment and etc. This got us through dinner, clean up and finally we ended up in the balcony as I smoked for a bit.

"Any plans tomorrow?"

"Uhh, no P. I just want to sleep in and chill. Maybe meeting the boys for fishing in the afternoon. You?"

"Nothing really. I was supposed to meet my parents for lunch so maybe thats about it."

We settled into a sea of silence after that. Finally, I was done with my cigarette and I looked at Aim who looked like he was prepped to leave.

"I make a move first then. See you.."

I nodded. I watched as Aim pulled on his sneakers and he turned to look at me.

"Do you... do you want to do dinner tomorrow together? Maybe after your fishing if you do go?" He sputtered out hesitantly.

A small smile flitted upon my face without warning and it took all of me not to grin harder.

"That will be nice P. Yea sure, why not?"

"I will text you then! Okays?!" Aim replied a bit too excitedly. I nodded. He nodded, finally calming down and was about to go off. I was about to close the door when I saw him stop. He turned around, looking at me as he walked up.

"Screw it." He muttered as he leaned in to kiss me softly. I was stunned. I automatically wanted to take a step back but Aim held onto my back and pulled me in towards him gently. He let go slowly and looked at me, finally seeking that darn permission. I glared at him and he chuckled. But my eyes softened and he took that as his cue, leaning in again for another kiss.

He finally pulled away, breathing a little heavily from the moment. My heart was literally in my mouth and I was deadly silent. I looked at him, stunned absolutely into silence with no retort at all.

"I really missed you so much. And it didn't help you said you will see me at Sotus next week. And we last spoke on Tuesday. That's crazy Lam. I..couldn't wait that long to see you."

I was just absolutely stunned. There was no way to say this. What the heck was this??

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