Chapter 21: Arthit

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Post fishing, Park and I went for dinner. I clearly went fishing only to see him. I faithfully parked myself next to him and we chatted as he fished.

I caught Lam looking at me a couple of times and I tried to smile but he just shot me a steely gaze back. Damn. Don't talk about winning Park over, I also had to make sure I won Lam over. Both boys were really peas in a pod.

The boys all separated once fishing was over. I was prepared for Lam to join us for dinner but apparently he had plans. I soon found out that he was meeting Aim for dinner. I frowned a bit when I heard that.

"You ok? Why are you frowning?"

"No, it's jsut that Lam is meeting Aim for dinner. I don't want Lam to be hurt or something. As much as Aim is my friend and I trust him too, I worry if he is leading Lam on."

"It's nice to see you actually caring and picking Lam's side on this. But I am sure Lam probably has those reservations and will clarify it himself. But will you be ok if Aim dated Lam?"

"Of course. Why not? It doesn't matter to me. But you, will you be ok with that? Because Aim did used to like you..."

"I don't really care. Hahaha I never liked Aim that way so I'm not affected. If it's someone I like and they like someone else, then of course I will be affected.. jealous definitely.. "

I laughed hearing that. Didn't think cool Park would be capable of feeling jealous too. We went to this Thai fusion restaurant to eat at. I been there multiple times with my boys and the food never disappoints. But bloody hell, I forgot that I used to patronize this place with my ex too. We saw him again tonight.

I just pretended like I didn't see him and focused my attention on Park who hadn't seen him and was perusing the menu keenly. Just then I heard his fucking voice again.

"Arthit. How have you been? Fancy seeing you here. Guess some things don't change huh? You always been a person of habit and comfort."

I glared at Lun. "Get lost. I have no interest in talking to you. Go away before you get humiliated."

"By who? You? We all know how capable you are of being "mean". Come on, the last time..when you caught me in bed.."

Lun never finished his sentence because Park had stood up and punched him squarely in his face.

"Park!" I yelped in shock.

"Fucking get lost. Its bad enough you are trying to speak to my boyfriend in front of me. Now you are trying to embarrass him in front of me?! Do you know why you are an ex? Because of the shitty things you did. And you think you can say such things to him infront of me and still get away with it??! Fucking apologise and get lost. I mean it."

Lun stared in shock at us, his mouth bleeding. He quickly apologised and fled the scene. Park sat down, going back to the menu again. I could see his hands trembling just slightly from anger. I reached out and placed my hands on his. He looked up at me, his eyes glittering.


"There is no need for you to thank me. I only did what I am supposed to do. Are you ok?"

I nodded, clasping my hand tightly over his. We went back to the menu and finally placed our orders. Dinner was a quiet affair, both of us lost in our own pool of thoughts. I kept glancing over at Park who was busy eating.

"You ok?"

"Ah yes. Why?"

"You been looking at me for a bit now. Is there something on my face?"

I shook my face, a bit embarrassed I had been caught by him.

"Nothing.. I just... earlier, with Lun, you said.."

"Oh yes. Sorry P. Just had to put it that way so he will know not to bother you again if you are seen as taken."

"Owh.. so you did it just to help me?"

"Ah yes. I did. I hope its ok?"

I smiled, just keeping my heart breaking to myself. I geuninely thought maybe he had said it because he perhaps liked me too. I thought maybe he was catching feelings for me too the way I was. I sighed softly, knowing he only did it to rescue me. I smiled softly, thanking him and went back to my food. But for some reason, I had lost all appetite. I just pushed the food around till he was done and then we left.

He offered to send me home but I pretended like I had to do something. He nodded and then went off whilst I went to the nearest bar just to drown myself in drinks. It wasn't really my pattern but I was just feeling lousy about the whole thing.

It was getting to me that I was vulnerable and feeling emotions for Park and I honestly thought he felt the same way but apparently not. I knocked back whiskey and about into my 6th glass, I was feeling the buzz. My phone rang and I didn't notice whom it was. I just answered drunkenly.


"Where are you?"

"Who are you? Why do you care? Go away." And I just hung up on the person. The phone rang again and again and I just ignored, going to the toilet, leaving it on the table. But god bless the bartender who answered it and about 20 minutes later, as I was about to get onto my 8th glass, I found out whom was the caller when he stood up in front of me, glaring at me.

Fuck. I was royally screwed. I instantly sobered when I saw Park standing in front of me, glaring away.


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