Chapter 23: Lam

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I got home and as I locked my door, a message flitted in. I checked my phone to realize it was Aim checking if I had reached home.

I replied him affirmatively and he said he will call me once he was done with his shower.

I got a quick shower, changed and was smoking when Aim called me.


"Hey P. Showered?"

"I did. You?"

"Did already. At the balcony now."

"Smoking again? Knew it."

"Sorry P. Only 1 stick yea?"

"It's fine. I was just messing with you. Wanted to ask, do you want to like go for a movie tomorrow? They have this new action flick out."

"I don't mind. What time?"

"Probably an afternoon show? After lunch? We can have noodles at that eatery you like so much."

"Sounds good to me. Lunch is on me OK? You are always paying when we go out. Let's split for once."

"I'm ok with that if it makes you happy. I just like paying because I just want to treat you well. But if it discomforts you, sure you can pay."

"I..I am appreciative. But I know you work hard for your money so let me pay too ok?"

Aim agreed and we chatted a while more before we ended the call. I looked at my phone for a bit, Aim coming to mind, how he had been behaving towards me, how he had kissed me, how he had confessed his feelings.

I haven't had someone be this honest with me and it was sobering. Something I was getting used to. I like this guy alot and to have him finally reciprocating my feelings, it was really the cherry on top. But I was human and I could not help but wonder if it was a rebound.

But seeing how distressed Aim had looked, I knew it wasn't a rebound. I really wanted to let down my guard and be 💯 with him but I knew it was something I had to come to terms with wholly. I only hoped Aim would wait.

The next day, I met Aim around 11am for lunch first. We did lunch at my favorite eatery. We were eating when I saw Kong and Beam. Beam saw me and just raised his eyebrows at us and I just glared back at him. He chuckled and whispered something to Kong who threw us a cheeky smile but didn't say anything or come over. I immediately looked down, blushing against my better judgement. I sneakily looked up to see Aim shooing then away and I chuckled to myself softly.

At the movies, we chose a pair of really good seats that allowed us to be fully immersed in the movie. Aim just reached for my hand and took it in his as we watched the movie. I cast a glance but I didn't pull my hand away either. It was nice to be held by him. I was always so guarded, always so strong and it felt nice to have someone taking a stance about things for once. It felt even better when it is someone I like.

Post the movies, we left the theatre, discussing about dinner. I then saw a jacket I really wanted to get so I told Aim and we went to check it out. We were at the store checking the jackets out when the sales girl came over.

"Could I help you?" She threw me a dazzling smile as she asked me. I just nodded at her politely and told her I wanted a particular size. She hurried off to get it for me and then came back. Aim was looking at another jacket and she came over to me. As I took the jacket from her, her hand lingered on mine a little longer and I was abit uncomfortable by it. I was about to tell her off when Aim came over and just took my hand away and grabbed the jacket away from her, stunning her in the process. She looked at me in shock and before I could say anything, Aim muttered, "you wouldn't like it if someone was going to hit on your boyfriend. Same for me so please."

She understood his words, apologised to us and took a step back. Aim held onto my hand for the rest of the time but I eventually bought the jacket. This time she was polite and cordial, not overly friendly or flirtatious.

I couldn't help but feel a warmth over me as Aim's words came to mind. As we left the shop, I just slipped my hand into his. He looked at me surprised.

"Thank you"

Aim nodded, not saying a word but the smile on his face was enough. The smile on mine was equally enough too, to confirm that we werent anything else but boyfriends.

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